Dr Mohammad Saleh Torkestani

Job: Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Programme Leader for MSc of Advertising and PR Management

School/department: School of Leadership, Management and Marketing

Address: СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: mohammad.torkestani@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr. Mohammad Saleh Torkestani, FCMI, FHEA, CMBE.

With 14 years of experience in higher education, I currently serve as Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Programme Leader of СʪÃÃÊÓƵ's MSc of Advertising and Public Relations Management program in Leicester. Prior to this appointment at СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, I held the esteemed role of Associate Professor of Marketing and MBA Program Leader at ATU University in Tehran.
My background spanning Business, Management and Information Technology makes me an exceptional combination of technological skills with business acumen.
My research interests span Business Analytics, Data Science for Marketing, Digital Marketing, the Impacts of New Technologies on Businesses and Neuromarketing. I have amassed an impressive portfolio of publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
My teaching philosophy centers on creating an environment in which students actively engage in the learning process. To facilitate a complete experience for my students, I advocate critical thinking, reading, writing and engaging in meaningful discussions that promote holistic development.

Research group affiliations

The Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)

Publications and outputs

Papers in refereed journals

  • ·        Torkestani, M. S., dehdashti, Z., bakhshizadeh borj, K., & Jahedi, P. (2024). Diaspora Marketing Theoretical Framework with Meta-Synthesis Approach. Quarterly Journal of Brand Management, 10(4), 125-160. doi: 10.22051/BMR.2024.42737.2444(in Persian)

    ·        Sheibanimoghadam, N., Keimasi, M., Hendijani, R., & Torkestani, M. S. (2023). Consumers’ responses to brand transgression and brand recovery strategy: The moderating roles of brand image and mediating role of forgiveness. Journal of Business Management, (Articles in Press). doi: 10.22059/JIBM.2022.341757.4351 (in Persian)

    ·        Aghazadeh, H., Haghighi, M., Torkestani, M. S., & Zare, M. S. (2023). Investigating the Process and Factors Affecting the Branding of Startups in Iran: A Multiple - Case Study. Journal of Business Management, 15(1), 27-53. doi: 10.22059/jibm.2020.289327.3649 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z., Bakhshizadeh Borj, K., & Jahedi, P. (2023). Diaspora marketing discourse analysis. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 22(53), 49-71. doi: 10.48308/jbmp.2023.103418 (in Persian)

    ·        Shaibani, A., Keimasi, M., Hendijani, R., Torkestani, M. S. (2022). 'User-Centred Internet Bank Usability Evaluation Model', Journal of Executive Management, 14(27), pp. 411-438. doi: 10.22080/jem.2022.20558.3441 (in Persian)

    ·        Khodabakhsh, F., Ziaee, M., Taghavifard, MS., Torkestani, M. (2022). A Risk Management Model in Iran's Hotel Industry. Tourism Management Studies, 17(58), -. doi: 10.22054/tms.2022.66853.2702 (in Persian)

    ·        Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z., Nasehifar, V., Torkestani, M., Eslamipanah, M. (2022). Designing a model of brand co-creation behaviour with the customer with an emphasis on antecedents, factors and consequences, Journal of Business Management Perspective, 21(49), pp. -. doi: 10.29252/jbmp.2022.225122.1244 (in Persian)

    ·        Bakhshizadeh borj, K., Torkestani, M., jahedi, P. (2021). Narrative experience of cognitive marketing researchers in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 20(48), 43-60. doi: 10.29252/jbmp.2022.225582.1261(in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Jahedi, P., Dinparast, F. (2021). Mapping the Brand Association Networks of the Discourse between Fundamentalism and Reformism. Journal of Business Management, 13(2), 362-383. doi: 10.22059/jibm.2021.313974.3995 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M. (2021). Are the risks of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) insurable? Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 14(1), 21-36. doi: 10.22034/jstp.2021.13878 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Ghazinoori, SS., Jahedi, P. (2021). Identifying elements of the social construction of innovation in knowledge enterprise using memory-work method, Science and Technology Policy Letters 11 (1), 101-112 (in Persian)

    ·        Shahhoseini, M., Nazari, M., Torkestani, M., Ghorbani, F. (2021). Conceptual Model of Corporate Social Responsibility in Iran’s Tourism. Tourism Management Studies, 16(53), 109-171. doi: 10.22054/tms.2021.50748.2284 (in Persian)

    ·        Shaibani, A., Keimasi, M., Hendijani, R., Torkestani, M. (2021). Designing a Comprehensive Internet Banking Website Usability Model. BI Management Studies, 9(36), 113-157. doi: 10.22054/ims.2021.57536.1878 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Esfidani, M.R., Arazm, M. (2020). Develop an Educational Model Based on Proposed Value in Ports and Maritime Organization (Using Grounded Theory and Interactive Qualitative Analysis), Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação 13 (32), 1-25. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20952/revtee.v13i32.13175

    ·        Khanlari, A., Keimasi, M., Torkestani, M., Yaghoubian, I. (2019). Providing a choice Behavior Model for Luxury Consumers in Iran’s Cosmetic Market. Woman in Development & Politics, 17(1), 1-25. doi: 10.22059/jwdp.2019.267697.1007513 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani,, M., Bakhshizadeh Borj, K., Jahedi, P. (2019). Tourism Market Segmentation of Kish Free Zone: A New Approach to Brand Concept Map. Tourism Management Studies, 14(47), 29-63. doi: 10.22054/tms.2019.10601 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Jahedi, P. (2019). An ethnographic study of understanding the meaning of Turk brand (Case study of Anzali Free Zone). Consumer Behavior Studies Journal, 6(1), 63-80. doi: 10.34785/J018.2019.768 (in Persian)

    ·        Mirzaee, M., ghazizadeh, M., torkestani, M. (2019). A Comparative Comparison of Brand Strength of Car Companies According to the Customer’s Dominant Logic, Through Brand Relationship Mapping (Case Study: Iranian, Chinese and Korean Carmakers). New Marketing Research Journal, 8(3), 79-98. doi: 10.22108/nmrj.2019.102195.1125 (in Persian)

    ·        Bozorgkhou, H., Keimasi, M., Esfidani, M., Torkestani, M. (2019). Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting Iran's Nation Brand with the consumer's Cognitive behavior approach. Consumer Behavior Studies Journal, 5(2), 83-110. (in Persian)

    ·        Nasiri, H., Bakhshizadeh Borj, K., Torkestani, M. (2018). Investigating the Affecting Factors on Mobile Games Purchase Intention: An Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM). Journal of Iranian Cultural Research, 11(1), 55-83. doi: 10.22631/jicr.2018.1660.2306(in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Bakhshi Zadeh Borj, K., Jahedi, P. (2018). Mapping Associations Networks of Kish Free Zone’s Tourist Branding Using Brand Conceptual Mapping Method. Tourism Management Studies, 13(42), 41-65. doi: 10.22054/tms.2018.9014 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Zandmehr, M., Afsahizadeh, M. (2018). Investigating the Relationship between Website Characteristics and Impulsive Purchase on the Internet. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 10(19), 1-17. (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Mazloumi, N., & Foroutan, M. (2017). Examining the relationship between technical and social aspects of total quality management and performance based on the European foundation for quality management in insurance companies in Iran. Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives, 11(3), 880-888. www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/examining-relationship-between-technical-social/docview/2101263476/se-2

    ·        Torkestani, M., Mansouri, T., Taghizdeh, Y. (2016). The Comparative Study of Data Mining Clustering Algorithms to Measure Customer Value in Customer Relationship Management in the Insurance Industry. New Marketing Research Journal, 6(1), 1-22. doi: 10.22108/nmrj.2016.20651(in Persian)

    ·        Hatami, A., Sanayei, A., Rouhani, S., Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. (2016). Investigation of customer perception of waiting time on the phone insurance system. New Marketing Research Journal, 5(Special Issue), 45-64. (in Persian)

    ·        Ghazizadeh, M., Torkestani, M., Mohamadi, F. (2016). Mapping Brand Association Network Using Brand Concept Map The case of Mellat Insurance Company. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies, 20(78), 149-178. Doi: 20.1001.1.17350794.1395. (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Mafakheri, F., Haghighat, F. (2016). The Effect of Satisfaction and Trust on Electronic Loyalty and Tourism Products Online Shopping. Tourism Management Studies, 11(34), 93-109. doi: 10.22054/tms.2016.5731 (in Persian)

    ·        Karimi Alavijeh, M., Khadangi, S., Torkestani, M. (2016). Ultra Innovative Approach to Integrate Cell phone Customer Market Segmentation Model Using Self Organizing Maps and K-Means Methodology. Journal of Information Technology Management, 8(2), 351-372. doi: 10.22059/jitm.2016.57233 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Dehpanah, A., Taghavifard, M., Shafiee, S. (2016). Providing a Framework for Reforming Premium Rates of Vehicle Collision Coverage with Using Neural Networks Model (A Case Study of Asia Insurance Company). Journal of Information Technology Management, 8(4), 711-732. doi: 10.22059/jitm.2016.59948 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Dehqanan, H., Jamshidi Borujerdi, E. (2015). The impact of locus-of-control and emotional intelligence on policyholder’s loyalty following service failures. Insurance Markets and Companies, 6(1), 22-29. www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/impact-locus-control-emotional-intelligence-on/docview/2622624132/se-2

    ·        Torkestani, M., Jamshidi, E. (2015). The role of perceptions of organizational virtuousness and affective well-being on affective commitment to Case of Insurance companies’ employees thorough Tehran). Transformation Management Journal, 7, 13, 116-135. doi: 10.22067/pmt.v7i13.37430 (in Persian)

    ·        Torkestani, M., Mazloumi, N., Haghighat, F. (2014) The Relationship between Information Systems Success, Organizational Learning and Performance of Insurance Companies, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 10; 125-132.

    ·        Torkestani, M., Jamshidi, E. (2014). Evaluation of pricing strategies for life insurance with a focus on bank interest rate changes. Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations, 5(1) www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/evaluation-pricing-strategies-life-insurance-with/docview/2622625416/se-2

    ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M., & Ahadi, P. (2012). Readiness Assessment of Iran’s Insurance Industry for E-Commerce and E-Insurance Success. International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM), 7(1), 91-105.

    ·        Torkestani, M., Ahadi, P. (2008). Readiness assessment of Islamic micro-finance institution to implement micro-insurance concept (case of Iran). International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 1(3), 249-261. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/17538390810901177

Book chapters

  • ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. (2011). “Chapter 5: E-Insurance in Developing Countries”, in the book “E-Business in Developing Countries”, Prof. Ali Sanayei, Koros Press, U.K

    ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. (2010). “Chapter 4: B2B E-Commerce”, in the book “E-commerce in Developing Countries”, (Book in Persian), A. Sanayei, University of Isfahan Press, Iran

    ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. (2010). “Chapter 8: E-Advertisement”, in the book “E-commerce in Developing Countries”, (Book in Persian), A. Sanayei, University of Isfahan Press, Iran

    ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. (2010) “Chapter 9: Web 3.0 and the future of E-Commerce”, in the book “E-commerce in Developing Countries”, (Book in Persian), A. Sanayei, University of Isfahan Press, Iran

Papers in refereed conferences

  • ·        Torkestani, M. S., Mansouri, T., Varghese, R., & Alameer, A. (2024). Looking at AI Fairness from a Marketing Lens: The Influence of Ethnicity on Facial Expression Recognition based on expert judgment and AI models. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Conference 2024, Cardiff, UK.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Mansouri, T. (2024). Identifying the Threshold Concepts in Teaching Marketing: A Pedagogic Research. Paper presented at the Learning, Teaching & Student Experience 2024, The Chartered Association of Business Schools, Birmingham, UK.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Johnson, D., Mave, M. Asu, J., Hussain, Z., & Sallah, M. (2024). The Gambia Project: Decolonising Entrepreneurship Education for African Empowerment. Paper presented at the Learning and Teaching Conference: Enhancing the Student Experience: The Challenges, Successes and Opportunities, СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, Leicester, UK.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Jahedi, P., Bakhshizadehborj, K., & Dehdashti, Z. (2023). Identity Dilemma in Immigrant Consumers: A Discourse Analysis of Diaspora Marketing. Paper presented at BAM2023, University of Sussex, UK.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Parackel, M., Bakhshizadeh, K., & Jahedi, P. (2019). Using Brand Concept Map in Destination Marketing. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Wellington, New Zealand.

    ·        Hooshmand, R., & Torkestani, M. S. (2018). Deepening Understanding of Leaders’ Behavior Based on Organizational Cognitive Neuroscience: A Review of the Literature. Paper presented at the International Conference on Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, and Behavioral Science, USA.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Pourroostaei Ardakani, S., & Hashemi, Z. (2017). How Tourism Picture’s Language and the Crowd Could Influence the Effectiveness of Visual Advertisements (Case of Iran). Paper presented at the 13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Bakhshizadehborj, K., & Jahedi, P. (2017). Mapping Tourism Brand Association Networks of Kish Free Zone by Brand Concept Map. Paper presented at the Frankfurt International Academic Conference on Business & Economics, Germany.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Pour Mousavi, M., Bakhshizadeh, K., & Jahedi, P. (2016). Evaluating Performance of Insurance Companies Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model. Paper presented at the Global Leadership & Management Conference, University of Riverside, USA.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Jamshidi, E. (2014). Investigating the Effects of Strategic Management in Updating Information Systems of Insurance. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of Electronic Commerce, Iran.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S. (2013). The Role of Insurance Intermediaries in Electronic Insurance Age. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of E-Commerce with a Focus on Electronic Banking and Insurance, Iran.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Isaai, M. T. (2012). A Model for E-Insurance Success in Iran. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of Electronic Commerce with a Focus on Electronic Banking and Insurance, Iran.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Davis, R., & Sarrafzadeh, A. (2011). Dr. Eve!: Using Life-like Agents in Health Care Service. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, USA.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Davis, R., & Sarrafzadeh, A. (2011). Looking into the Future of Health-Care Services: Can Life-Like Agents Change the Future of Health-Care Services?. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011), IEEE, Singapore.

    ·        Davis, R., Torkestani, M. S., & Sarrafzadeh, A. (2011). Dr. Eve!: Using Life-like Agents in Health Care Service Exploring the Effect on Service Culture. Paper presented at the Auckland seminar and workshop on Service-Dominant Logic (SDL), Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Ahadi, P. (2011). Use Consumer’s Personality and Demographic Attributes to Support Managers’ Decisions in E-Commerce World. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) conference for academic disciplines, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

    ·        Sanayei, A., & Torkestani, M. S. (2009). From E-Commerce to V-Commerce. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technology Management (ICTM09), Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Ahadi, P. (2008). Search Engine Marketing, a Vital Tool in Internet Marketing. Paper presented at the 2nd International Marketing Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

    ·        Sanayei, A., Torkestani, M. S., & Ahadi, P. (2008). Electronic Insurance Security. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of International Association of Development the Information Society (IADIS), Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., Taghva, M. R., & Hajarian, M. (2008). Readiness Assessment for Implementation of Data Warehouse in Iranian Insurance Organizations- Case of Parsian Insurance Company. Paper presented at the 2nd BIMA Conference, American University of Sharjah, UAE.

    ·        Torkestani, M. S., & Ahadi, P. (2007). Pre-Feasibility Study to Implement Micro Insurance Concept in Micro Finance Institution of Islamic Republic of Iran in View of the Millennium Development Goals. Paper presented at the 5th International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, University of the Philippines, Manila.

Research interests/expertise

  • Neuromarketing
  • Business Analytics and Data Science in Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • Impacts of New Technologies on Business

Areas of teaching

  • Contemporary issues in Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Data Science in Marketing


  • Ph.D., Business Management - Marketing (2007-2012)
  • MSc, Information Technology Management (2004 – 2006)
  • BSc, Management (2001 – 2004)

СʪÃÃÊÓƵ taught

  • Contemporary issues in Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Contemporary Advertising and Communication Strategy
  • International Marketing
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior
  • E-commerce
  • Digital Marketing
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Advanced Topics in Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Data Science in Marketing
  • E-Tailing
  • Online Consumer Behavior
  • Management Information Systems

Honours and awards

  • Teaching Oscar Candidate, СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, 2023.
  • Teaching Award, Allameh Tabataba'i University, 2021.
  • Teaching Award, Mehr Alborz Virtual University, 2013.
  • Youngest Faculty Member, Allameh Tabataba'i University, 2012.
  • 1st Rank, Ph.D. Entrance Exam in Marketing Management, University of Isfahan, Iran, spring 2007.
  • Full Ph.D. Scholarship, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2008-2011)
  • Distinguished Ph.D. Student Award, University of Isfahan. (2010)
  • The Chartered Insurance Institute, the IFC Certificate, London, UK, (2002 – 2004)
  • Distinguished Master Student Award, Allame Tabataba’i University. (2006)
  • 6th Rank, National Graduate Entrance Exam in Management, (Total candidates: 16,580), Tehran, Iran, 2005

Membership of external committees

I have been the reviewer of many Iranian and International journals including Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (Springer), Journal of Business Research (Elsevier), Journal of Financial Economic Policy (Emerald), International Marketing Review (Emerald), International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IGI Global), Journal of New Marketing Research (University of Isfahan, Iran), Journal of Consumer Behaviour Research, University of Kordestan, Iran), Tourism Management Studies (ATU, Iran), Journal of Business Management (University of Tehran, Iran).

I also have been the reviewer for many international conferences including the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conferences (ANZMAC), Digital Games Research Conferences (IEEE), and International Institute of Informatics and Systemics Conferences (iiis).

Membership of professional associations and societies

·        Fellow Chartered Management Institute (FCMI), CMI, UK.

·        Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE), Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS), UK.

·        Member, Academy of Marketing (AM), UK

·        Member, British Academy of Management (BAM), UK.

·        Chartered IT Professional NZ (CITPNZ), IT Professional New Zealand, NZ.

Professional licences and certificates

  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), AdvanceHE, UK, 2023.
  • FCMI, Chartered Management Institute, UK, 2023.
  • CMBE,  Chartered Association of Business Schools, UK, 2023.
  • Enhancing Programme Leadership, AdvanceHE, UK, 2023.
  • Microsoft Professional Program (MPP) Data Science Certificate, 2019.
  • Advanced Google Analytics, Google Analytics Academy, 2019.
  • Eye Tracking Research Toolbox Course, Tobii Company and Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherland, 2017.
  • Model-based Neuroscience Course, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017.


2023, СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, UK
Researchers: M.S. Torkestani (PI), N. Phillips
BAL Enhancing Research Culture Internal Fund
Enhance the Neuromarketing Research Culture within the School of Leadership, Management and Marketing.

2023, СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, UK
Researchers: Sh. Giwa (PI), M. Keimasi, M.S. Torkestani
Academic Innovation Project (AIP) Internal Fund
Enhancing Assessment and Feedback in Block Teaching at СʪÃÃÊÓƵ through Student and Lecturer Collaboration.

2016 – 2018, Novin Insurance Company, Iran.
Researcher: M.S. Torkestani
Establishment of the Customer Insights department for Novin Insurance Company.

2017 – 2019, Payam Special Economic Zone, Iran.
Researchers: M.S. Torkestani (PI), S. Rouhani
Designing a Collaborative Commerce (C-Commerce) platform for Payam Special Economic Zone.

2016 – 2019, National Research Institute For Science Policy, Iran.
Researcher: M.S. Torkestani
Identifying the risks of New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) in Iran.

2013 – 2015, Amin Parsian Insurance Services Company, Iran
Researcher: M.S. Torkestani (PI)
Redesign the Marketing department of Amin Parsian Insurance Company.

2012 – 2013, Insurance Research Centre.
Researchers: A. Sanayei (PI), M.T. Isaai, M.S. Torkestani.
Designing a Model which Describes Factors influencing Success of E-Insurance in Iran’s Insurance industry.

2007 – 2007, ICT Research Centre.
Researchers: M.R. Taghva (PI), M. Hajarian, M.S. Torkestani.
Prefeasibility study for the implementation of Data Warehouse in Iranian Insurance Organizations.

Current research students

  • PhD Students: Riad Patwary, Asad Abbas (1st Supervisor)
  • DBA Students: Chinwe Emedo (2nd Supervisor)