A selection of publications from the Institute of Health, Health Policy and Social Care

Full disclosure of freely available outputs for every Institue member can be viewed under our DORA repository


Predictors of Peripheral Artery Disease among Elderly Respondents in an Urban Hospital, Edo State Nigeria (2021)
Akpan, I. S., Ehimen, F. A., Adedokun, B., and Oviasu, O.U.I Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 33(5), pp.105–115.

They are kids, let them eat’: A qualitative investigation into the parental beliefs and practices of providing a healthy diet for young children among a culturally diverse and deprived population in the UK  Public Health  (2021)

Cook, EJ., Powell, F., Ali, N., Penn-Jones, C., Ochieng, B.,  Constantinou, G., Randhawa, G. 18   ID:

Sex/Gender and Self-Determination: Policy Developments in Law, Health and Pedagogical Contexts (2021)
Davy, Z. Bristol, Policy Press. 

On the possibility of a disabled life in capitalist ruins: Black workers with sickle cell disorder in England (2021)
Dyson, S.M., Atkin, K., Berghs, M., Greene, A.M.  Social Science & Medicine, 272, 113713.

“Communication in Research Evaluation and Audit.” Improving Communication in Mental Health Settings: Evidence-Based Recommendations from Practitioner-led Research (1st ed.) (2021)

Hart, T. & Eccles, G. Chapter 14.. Edited by O’Reilly, M., & Lester, J.N. Routledge. Pp.  

Safe visiting is essential for nursing home residents during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international perspective (2021)
Low, L-F., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Sinha, S.K., Stall, N.M., Verbeek, H., Siette, J., Dow, B., Backhaus, R., Devi, R., Spilsbury, K., Brown, J., Griffiths, A., Bergman, C., Comas-Herrera, A. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

Examining GP online consultation in a primary care setting in East Midlands, UK (2021)

Nijhof, D., Ingram, A., Ochieng, R., Roberts, EJ., Poulton, B., Ochieng, B. BMC Health Services Research,  21:1030  ID:

How effective are digital interventions in increasing flu vaccination among pregnant women? A systematic review and meta-analysis (2021)
Parsons, J., Griffiths, S.E., Thomas, N. & Atherton, H. Journal of Public Health, fdab220,


"You have to find a caring man, like your father!" Gendering sickle cell and refashioning women's moral boundaries in Sierra Leone (2020)
Berghs, M., Dyson, S.M., Gabba, A., Nyandemo, S.E., Roberts, G., Deen, G.  Social Science & Medicine, 259, 113-148. 

Factors influencing the utilisation of free-standing and alongside midwifery units in England: a qualitative research study (2020)

Walsh, D., Spiby, H., McCourt, C., Grigg, C., Coleby, D., Bishop, S., Scanlon, M., Culley, L., Wilkinson, J., Pacanowski, L., Thornton, J.  BMJ Open 2020;10:e033895. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033895

Ethical care during COVID-19 for UK care home residents with dementia (2020) 
Cousins, E., de Vries, K., Harrison Dening, K. Nursing Ethics

SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 1 & 2) (2020)
Davy, Z., Santos, A. C., Bertone, C., Thoresen, R., & Wieringa, S. E. (Eds.). London: Sage.  

Healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of FGM in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic scoping review (2020)
Ejiroghene ogigbah Adogho, A., Hinsliff-Smith, K., McGarry, J. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 100270.

Perspectives on what schools and mental health services can do about bullying of adolescents with severe emotional health conditions (2020) 
Hart, T & O’Reilly, M. , Pastoral Care in Education, DOI: 

Coventry and Warwickshire Smoking in Pregnancy Review (2020)
Lee, B., Griffiths, S.E. & Barror, A. [online] available from

Accountability issues in an English emergency department: A nursing perspective (2020)  
Rubio-Navarro, A., Garcia-Capilla, D., Torralba-Madrid, M.J. and Rutty, J.E. International Emergency Nursing 51.  On line 27 May 20.  

Post Mortem Computed Tomography: An Overview for Forensic Nurses Involved in Death Investigation (2020)
Stanley, S.A., Rutty, G.N. and Rutty, J.E. Journal of Forensic Nursing 16(2):90-98, April/June.   (Recipient of the 2020 Journal of Forensic Nursing Clinical Article of the Year Award)


Time intervals from first symptom to diagnosis for head and neck cancers: an analysis of linked patient reports and medical records from the UK (2019)
Allgar, V., Oliver, S., Chen, H., Oviasu, O. U. I., Johnson, M., & Macleod, U. Cancer Epidemiology, 59(January), pp. 37–45. . https://www.dora.dmu.ac.uk/handle/2086/18193

Berghs, M., Chataika, T., El-Lahib, Y. & Dub, A.K. (eds.) 2019. The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London and New York: Routledge.


Baggott, R. and Jones, K.L. (2018) Representing Whom? UK Health Consumer and Patients' Organizations in the Policy Process. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry

Robijn, L., Seymour, J., Deliens, L., Korfage, I., Brown, J., Pype, P., Van Der Heide, A., Chambaere, K. and Rietjens, J. (2018) The involvement of cancer patients in the four stages of decision-making preceding continuous sedation until death: A qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, 56 (6), pp. e19-e20

Davy, Z. (2018 Online first). Genderqueer(ing): ‘on this side of the world against which it protests’. Sexualities, Special Edition: Trans Genealogies.

Baillon SF, Narayana U, Luxenberg JS, Clifton AV. Valproate preparations for agitation in dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD003945. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003945.pub4

The involvement of cancer patients in the four stages of decision-making preceding continuous sedation until death: A qualitative study 


Curtis, P., Northcott, A. (2017) The impact of single and shared rooms on family-centred care in children’s hospitals. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 26(11-12), pp1584-1596Byrne, D. and Ruane, S. (2017) Paying for the Welfare State in the 21st Century. Bristol: Policy Press

Byrne, D. and Ruane, S. (2017) Paying for the Welfare State in the 21st Century. Bristol: Policy Press

Yates, S. and Gatsou, L. (2017) Enhancing Family Communication in Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness. Journal of Parent and Family Mental Health, 2(3), pp1-3


Coombs, M., Parker, R., de Vries, K. (2016). Can qualitative research interviews have therapeutic benefit for participants in end of life and bereavement research? European Journal of Palliative Care, 23(5) 227-231