"undefined" == typeof jwplayer && (jwplayer = function () { return jwplayer.api ? jwplayer.api.selectPlayer.apply(this, arguments) : void 0 }, jwplayer.version = "6.12.4956", jwplayer.vid = document.createElement("video"), jwplayer.audio = document.createElement("audio"), jwplayer.source = document.createElement("source"), function () { var e = {}, t = Array.prototype, n = Object.prototype, i = t.slice, r = t.concat, a = n.toString, o = n.hasOwnProperty, s = t.map, l = t.forEach, u = t.filter, c = t.every, d = t.some, f = t.indexOf, n = Array.isArray, p = Object.keys, g = function (e) { return e instanceof g ? e : this instanceof g ? void 0 : new g(e) }, h = g.each = g.forEach = function (t, n, i) { if (null == t) return t; if (l && t.forEach === l) t.forEach(n, i); else if (t.length === +t.length) { for (var r = 0, a = t.length; a > r; r++) if (n.call(i, t[r], r, t) === e) return } else for (var o = g.keys(t), r = 0, a = o.length; a > r; r++) if (n.call(i, t[o[r]], o[r], t) === e) return; return t }; g.map = g.collect = function (e, t, n) { var i = []; return null == e ? i : s && e.map === s ? e.map(t, n) : (h(e, function (e, r, a) { i.push(t.call(n, e, r, a)) }), i) }, g.find = g.detect = function (e, t, n) { var i; return y(e, function (e, r, a) { return t.call(n, e, r, a) ? (i = e, !0) : void 0 }), i }, g.filter = g.select = function (e, t, n) { var i = []; return null == e ? i : u && e.filter === u ? e.filter(t, n) : (h(e, function (e, r, a) { t.call(n, e, r, a) && i.push(e) }), i) }, g.every = g.all = function (t, n, i) { n || (n = g.identity); var r = !0; return null == t ? r : c && t.every === c ? t.every(n, i) : (h(t, function (t, a, o) { return (r = r && n.call(i, t, a, o)) ? void 0 : e }), !!r) }; var y = g.some = g.any = function (t, n, i) { n || (n = g.identity); var r = !1; return null == t ? r : d && t.some === d ? t.some(n, i) : (h(t, function (t, a, o) { return r || (r = n.call(i, t, a, o)) ? e : void 0 }), !!r) }; g.size = function (e) { return null == e ? 0 : e.length === +e.length ? e.length : g.keys(e).length }, g.after = function (e, t) { return function () { return 1 > --e ? t.apply(this, arguments) : void 0 } }, g.sortedIndex = function (e, t, n, i) { n = null == n ? g.identity : g.isFunction(n) ? n : g.property(n), t = n.call(i, t); for (var r = 0, a = e.length; a > r;) { var o = r + a >>> 1; n.call(i, e[o]) < t ? r = o + 1 : a = o } return r }, g.find = g.detect = function (e, t, n) { var i; return y(e, function (e, r, a) { return t.call(n, e, r, a) ? (i = e, !0) : void 0 }), i }, y = g.some = g.any = function (t, n, i) { n || (n = g.identity); var r = !1; return null == t ? r : d && t.some === d ? t.some(n, i) : (h(t, function (t, a, o) { return r || (r = n.call(i, t, a, o)) ? e : void 0 }), !!r) }, g.contains = g.include = function (e, t) { return null == e ? !1 : (e.length !== +e.length && (e = g.values(e)), 0 <= g.indexOf(e, t)) }, g.where = function (e, t) { return g.filter(e, g.matches(t)) }, g.difference = function (e) { var n = r.apply(t, i.call(arguments, 1)); return g.filter(e, function (e) { return !g.contains(n, e) }) }, g.without = function (e) { return g.difference(e, i.call(arguments, 1)) }, g.indexOf = function (e, t, n) { if (null == e) return -1; var i = 0, r = e.length; if (n) { if ("number" != typeof n) return i = g.sortedIndex(e, t), e[i] === t ? i : -1; i = 0 > n ? Math.max(0, r + n) : n } if (f && e.indexOf === f) return e.indexOf(t, n); for (; r > i; i++) if (e[i] === t) return i; return -1 }, g.partial = function (e) { var t = i.call(arguments, 1); return function () { for (var n = 0, i = t.slice(), r = 0, a = i.length; a > r; r++) i[r] === g && (i[r] = arguments[n++]); for (; n < arguments.length;) i.push(arguments[n++]); return e.apply(this, i) } }, g.memoize = function (e, t) { var n = {}; return t || (t = g.identity), function () { var i = t.apply(this, arguments); return g.has(n, i) ? n[i] : n[i] = e.apply(this, arguments) } }, g.delay = function (e, t) { var n = i.call(arguments, 2); return setTimeout(function () { return e.apply(null, n) }, t) }, g.defer = function (e) { return g.delay.apply(g, [e, 1].concat(i.call(arguments, 1))) }, g.keys = function (e) { if (!g.isObject(e)) return []; if (p) return p(e); var t, n = []; for (t in e) g.has(e, t) && n.push(t); return n }, g.pick = function (e) { var n = {}, a = r.apply(t, i.call(arguments, 1)); return h(a, function (t) { t in e && (n[t] = e[t]) }), n }, g.isArray = n || function (e) { return "[object Array]" == a.call(e) }, g.isObject = function (e) { return e === Object(e) }, h("Arguments Function String Number Date RegExp".split(" "), function (e) { g["is" + e] = function (t) { return a.call(t) == "[object " + e + "]" } }), g.isArguments(arguments) || (g.isArguments = function (e) { return !(!e || !g.has(e, "callee")) }), "function" != typeof /./ && (g.isFunction = function (e) { return "function" == typeof e }), g.isFinite = function (e) { return isFinite(e) && !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) }, g.isNaN = function (e) { return g.isNumber(e) && e != +e }, g.isBoolean = function (e) { return !0 === e || !1 === e || "[object Boolean]" == a.call(e) }, g.isNull = function (e) { return null === e }, g.isUndefined = function (e) { return void 0 === e }, g.has = function (e, t) { return o.call(e, t) }, g.identity = function (e) { return e }, g.constant = function (e) { return function () { return e } }, g.property = function (e) { return function (t) { return t[e] } }, g.matches = function (e) { return function (t) { if (t === e) return !0; for (var n in e) if (e[n] !== t[n]) return !1; return !0 } }, g.result = function (e, t) { if (null != e) { var n = e[t]; return g.isFunction(n) ? n.call(e) : n } }, this._ = g }.call(jwplayer), function (e) { function t(e) { return function () { return o(e) } } function n(e, t, n, r, a) { return function () { var o, s; if (a) n(e); else { try { if ((o = e.responseXML) && (s = o.firstChild, o.lastChild && "parsererror" === o.lastChild.nodeName)) return void (r && r("Invalid XML", t, e)) } catch (l) { } if (o && s) return n(e); (o = i.parseXML(e.responseText)) && o.firstChild ? (e = i.extend({}, e, { responseXML: o }), n(e)) : r && r(e.responseText ? "Invalid XML" : t, t, e) } } } var i = e.utils = {}, r = e._; i.exists = function (e) { switch (typeof e) { case "string": return 0 < e.length; case "object": return null !== e; case "undefined": return !1 } return !0 }, i.styleDimension = function (e) { return e + (0 < e.toString().indexOf("%") ? "" : "px") }, i.getAbsolutePath = function (e, t) { if (i.exists(t) || (t = document.location.href), i.exists(e)) { var n; if (i.exists(e)) { n = e.indexOf("://"); var r = e.indexOf("?"); n = n > 0 && (0 > r || r > n) } else n = void 0; if (n) return e; n = t.substring(0, t.indexOf("://") + 3); var a, r = t.substring(n.length, t.indexOf("/", n.length + 1)); 0 === e.indexOf("/") ? a = e.split("/") : (a = t.split("?")[0], a = a.substring(n.length + r.length + 1, a.lastIndexOf("/")), a = a.split("/").concat(e.split("/"))); for (var o = [], s = 0; s < a.length; s++) a[s] && i.exists(a[s]) && "." !== a[s] && (".." === a[s] ? o.pop() : o.push(a[s])); return n + r + "/" + o.join("/") } }, i.extend = function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (1 < e.length) { for (var t = e[0], n = function (e, n) { void 0 !== n && null !== n && (t[e] = n) }, r = 1; r < e.length; r++) i.foreach(e[r], n); return t } return null }; var a = window.console = window.console || { log: function () { } }; i.log = function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); "object" == typeof a.log ? a.log(e) : a.log.apply(a, e) }; var o = r.memoize(function (e) { return null !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(e) }); i.isFF = t(/firefox/i), i.isChrome = t(/chrome/i), i.isIPod = t(/iP(hone|od)/i), i.isIPad = t(/iPad/i), i.isSafari602 = t(/Macintosh.*Mac OS X 10_8.*6\.0\.\d* Safari/i), i.isIETrident = function (e) { return e ? (e = parseFloat(e).toFixed(1), o(RegExp("trident/.+rv:\\s*" + e, "i"))) : o(/trident/i) }, i.isMSIE = function (e) { return e ? (e = parseFloat(e).toFixed(1), o(RegExp("msie\\s*" + e, "i"))) : o(/msie/i) }, i.isIE = function (e) { return e ? (e = parseFloat(e).toFixed(1), e >= 11 ? i.isIETrident(e) : i.isMSIE(e)) : i.isMSIE() || i.isIETrident() }, i.isSafari = function () { return o(/safari/i) && !o(/chrome/i) && !o(/chromium/i) && !o(/android/i) }, i.isIOS = function (e) { return o(e ? RegExp("iP(hone|ad|od).+\\sOS\\s" + e, "i") : /iP(hone|ad|od)/i) }, i.isAndroidNative = function (e) { return i.isAndroid(e, !0) }, i.isAndroid = function (e, t) { return t && o(/chrome\/[123456789]/i) && !o(/chrome\/18/) ? !1 : e ? (i.isInt(e) && !/\./.test(e) && (e = "" + e + "."), o(RegExp("Android\\s*" + e, "i"))) : o(/Android/i) }, i.isMobile = function () { return i.isIOS() || i.isAndroid() }, i.isIframe = function () { return window.frameElement && "IFRAME" === window.frameElement.nodeName }, i.saveCookie = function (e, t) { document.cookie = "jwplayer." + e + "=" + t + "; path=/" }, i.getCookies = function () { for (var e = {}, t = document.cookie.split("; "), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n].split("="); 0 === i[0].indexOf("jwplayer.") && (e[i[0].substring(9, i[0].length)] = i[1]) } return e }, i.isInt = function (e) { return 0 === parseFloat(e) % 1 }, i.typeOf = function (e) { if (null === e) return "null"; var t = typeof e; return "object" === t && r.isArray(e) ? "array" : t }, i.translateEventResponse = function (t, n) { var r = i.extend({}, n); if (t !== e.events.JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN || r.fullscreen) if ("object" == typeof r.data) { var a = r.data; delete r.data, r = i.extend(r, a) } else "object" == typeof r.metadata && i.deepReplaceKeyName(r.metadata, ["__dot__", "__spc__", "__dsh__", "__default__"], [".", " ", "-", "default"]); else r.fullscreen = "true" === r.message, delete r.message; return i.foreach(["position", "duration", "offset"], function (e, t) { r[t] && (r[t] = Math.round(1e3 * r[t]) / 1e3) }), r }, i.flashVersion = function () { if (i.isAndroid()) return 0; var e, t = navigator.plugins; try { if ("undefined" !== t && (e = t["Shockwave Flash"])) return parseInt(e.description.replace(/\D+(\d+)\..*/, "$1"), 10) } catch (n) { } if ("undefined" != typeof window.ActiveXObject) try { if (e = new window.ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")) return parseInt(e.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(",")[0], 10) } catch (r) { } return 0 }, i.getScriptPath = function (e) { for (var t = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n].src; if (i && 0 <= i.indexOf(e)) return i.substr(0, i.indexOf(e)) } return "" }, i.deepReplaceKeyName = function (t, n, r) { switch (e.utils.typeOf(t)) { case "array": for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) t[a] = e.utils.deepReplaceKeyName(t[a], n, r); break; case "object": i.foreach(t, function (i, a) { var o; if (n instanceof Array && r instanceof Array) { if (n.length !== r.length) return; o = n } else o = [n]; for (var s = i, l = 0; l < o.length; l++) s = s.replace(RegExp(n[l], "g"), r[l]); t[s] = e.utils.deepReplaceKeyName(a, n, r), i !== s && delete t[i] }) } return t }; var s = i.pluginPathType = { ABSOLUTE: 0, RELATIVE: 1, CDN: 2 }; i.getPluginPathType = function (e) { if ("string" == typeof e) { e = e.split("?")[0]; var t = e.indexOf("://"); if (t > 0) return s.ABSOLUTE; var n = e.indexOf("/"); return e = i.extension(e), !(0 > t && 0 > n) || e && isNaN(e) ? s.RELATIVE : s.CDN } }, i.getPluginName = function (e) { return e.replace(/^(.*\/)?([^-]*)-?.*\.(swf|js)$/, "$2") }, i.getPluginVersion = function (e) { return e.replace(/[^-]*-?([^\.]*).*$/, "$1") }, i.isYouTube = function (e, t) { return "youtube" === t || /^(http|\/\/).*(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/.+/.test(e) }, i.youTubeID = function (e) { try { return /v[=\/]([^?&]*)|youtu\.be\/([^?]*)|^([\w-]*)$/i.exec(e).slice(1).join("").replace("?", "") } catch (t) { return "" } }, i.isRtmp = function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf("rtmp") || "rtmp" === t }, i.foreach = function (e, t) { var n, r; for (n in e) "function" === i.typeOf(e.hasOwnProperty) ? e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (r = e[n], t(n, r)) : (r = e[n], t(n, r)) }, i.isHTTPS = function () { return 0 === window.location.href.indexOf("https") }, i.repo = function () { var t = "http://p.jwpcdn.com/" + e.version.split(/\W/).splice(0, 2).join("/") + "/"; try { i.isHTTPS() && (t = t.replace("http://", "https://ssl.")) } catch (n) { } return t }, i.versionCheck = function (t) { t = ("0" + t).split(/\W/); var n = e.version.split(/\W/), i = parseFloat(t[0]), r = parseFloat(n[0]); return i > r || i === r && parseFloat("0" + t[1]) > parseFloat(n[1]) ? !1 : !0 }, i.ajax = function (e, t, r, a) { var o, s = !1; if (0 < e.indexOf("#") && (e = e.replace(/#.*$/, "")), e && 0 <= e.indexOf("://") && e.split("/")[2] !== window.location.href.split("/")[2] && i.exists(window.XDomainRequest)) o = new window.XDomainRequest, o.onload = n(o, e, t, r, a), o.ontimeout = o.onprogress = function () { }, o.timeout = 5e3; else { if (!i.exists(window.XMLHttpRequest)) return r && r("", e, o), o; var l = o = new window.XMLHttpRequest, u = e; o.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === l.readyState) switch (l.status) { case 200: n(l, u, t, r, a)(); break; case 404: r("File not found", u, l) } } } o.overrideMimeType && o.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); var c = e, d = o; o.onerror = function () { r("Error loading file", c, d) }; try { o.open("GET", e, !0) } catch (f) { s = !0 } return setTimeout(function () { if (s) r && r(e, e, o); else try { o.send() } catch (t) { r && r(e, e, o) } }, 0), o }, i.parseXML = function (e) { var t; try { if (window.DOMParser) { if (t = (new window.DOMParser).parseFromString(e, "text/xml"), t.childNodes && t.childNodes.length && "parsererror" === t.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeName) return } else t = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), t.async = "false", t.loadXML(e) } catch (n) { return } return t }, i.between = function (e, t, n) { return Math.max(Math.min(e, n), t) }, i.seconds = function (e) { if (r.isNumber(e)) return e; e = e.replace(",", "."); var t = e.split(":"), n = 0; return "s" === e.slice(-1) ? n = parseFloat(e) : "m" === e.slice(-1) ? n = 60 * parseFloat(e) : "h" === e.slice(-1) ? n = 3600 * parseFloat(e) : 1 < t.length ? (n = parseFloat(t[t.length - 1]), n += 60 * parseFloat(t[t.length - 2]), 3 === t.length && (n += 3600 * parseFloat(t[t.length - 3]))) : n = parseFloat(e), n }, i.serialize = function (e) { return null === e ? null : "true" === e.toString().toLowerCase() ? !0 : "false" === e.toString().toLowerCase() ? !1 : isNaN(Number(e)) || 5 < e.length || 0 === e.length ? e : Number(e) }, i.addClass = function (e, t) { var n = r.isString(e.className) ? e.className.split(" ") : [], a = r.isArray(t) ? t : t.split(" "); r.each(a, function (e) { r.contains(n, e) || n.push(e) }), e.className = i.trim(n.join(" ")) }, i.removeClass = function (e, t) { var n = r.isString(e.className) ? e.className.split(" ") : [], a = r.isArray(t) ? t : t.split(" "); e.className = i.trim(r.difference(n, a).join(" ")) }, i.emptyElement = function (e) { for (; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild) }, i.indexOf = r.indexOf, i.noop = function () { }, i.canCast = function () { var t = e.cast; return !(!t || !r.isFunction(t.available) || !t.available()) } }(jwplayer), function (e) { function t(e) { var t = document.createElement("style"); return e && t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), t.type = "text/css", document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t), t } function n(e, t, n) { return o.exists(t) ? (n = n ? " !important" : "", "string" == typeof t && isNaN(t) ? /png|gif|jpe?g/i.test(t) && 0 > t.indexOf("url") ? "url(" + t + ")" : t + n : 0 === t || "z-index" === e || "opacity" === e ? "" + t + n : /color/i.test(e) ? "#" + o.pad(t.toString(16).replace(/^0x/i, ""), 6) + n : Math.ceil(t) + "px" + n) : "" } function i(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i, r, a = e[n]; if (void 0 !== a && null !== a) for (i in t) { r = i, r = r.split("-"); for (var o = 1; o < r.length; o++) r[o] = r[o].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + r[o].slice(1); r = r.join(""), a.style[r] !== t[i] && (a.style[r] = t[i]) } } } function r(e) { var t, n, i, r = s[e].sheet; if (r) { t = r.cssRules, n = c[e], i = e; var a = l[i]; i += " { "; for (var o in a) i += o + ": " + a[o] + "; "; if (i += "}", void 0 !== n && n < t.length && t[n].selectorText === e) { if (i === t[n].cssText) return; r.deleteRule(n) } else n = t.length, c[e] = n; try { r.insertRule(i, n) } catch (u) { } } } var a, o = e.utils, s = {}, l = {}, u = null, c = {}; o.cssKeyframes = function (e, n) { var i = s.keyframes; i || (i = t(), s.keyframes = i); var i = i.sheet, r = "@keyframes " + e + " { " + n + " }"; try { i.insertRule(r, i.cssRules.length) } catch (a) { } r = r.replace(/(keyframes|transform)/g, "-webkit-$1"); try { i.insertRule(r, i.cssRules.length) } catch (o) { } }; var d = o.css = function (e, i, o) { l[e] || (l[e] = {}); var c = l[e]; o = o || !1; var d, f, p = !1; for (d in i) f = n(d, i[d], o), "" !== f ? f !== c[d] && (c[d] = f, p = !0) : void 0 !== c[d] && (delete c[d], p = !0); p && (s[e] || (i = a && a.sheet && a.sheet.cssRules && a.sheet.cssRules.length || 0, (!a || i > 5e4) && (a = t()), s[e] = a), null !== u ? u.styleSheets[e] = l[e] : r(e)) }; d.style = function (t, r, a) { if (void 0 !== t && null !== t) { void 0 === t.length && (t = [t]); var o, s = {}; for (o in r) s[o] = n(o, r[o]); if (null === u || a) i(t, s); else { r = (r = t.__cssRules) || {}; for (var l in s) r[l] = s[l]; t.__cssRules = r, 0 > e._.indexOf(u.elements, t) && u.elements.push(t) } } }, d.block = function (e) { null === u && (u = { id: e, styleSheets: {}, elements: [] }) }, d.unblock = function (e) { if (u && (!e || u.id === e)) { for (var t in u.styleSheets) r(t); for (e = 0; e < u.elements.length; e++) t = u.elements[e], i(t, t.__cssRules); u = null } }, o.clearCss = function (e) { for (var t in l) 0 <= t.indexOf(e) && delete l[t]; for (var n in s) 0 <= n.indexOf(e) && r(n) }, o.transform = function (e, t) { var n = {}; t = t || "", n.transform = t, n["-webkit-transform"] = t, n["-ms-transform"] = t, n["-moz-transform"] = t, n["-o-transform"] = t, "string" == typeof e ? d(e, n) : d.style(e, n) }, o.dragStyle = function (e, t) { d(e, { "-webkit-user-select": t, "-moz-user-select": t, "-ms-user-select": t, "-webkit-user-drag": t, "user-select": t, "user-drag": t }) }, o.transitionStyle = function (e, t) { navigator.userAgent.match(/5\.\d(\.\d)? safari/i) || d(e, { "-webkit-transition": t, "-moz-transition": t, "-o-transition": t, transition: t }) }, o.rotate = function (e, t) { o.transform(e, "rotate(" + t + "deg)") }, o.rgbHex = function (e) { return e = String(e).replace("#", ""), 3 === e.length && (e = e[0] + e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2]), "#" + e.substr(-6) }, o.hexToRgba = function (e, t) { var n = "rgb", i = [parseInt(e.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(e.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(e.substr(5, 2), 16)]; return void 0 !== t && 100 !== t && (n += "a", i.push(t / 100)), n + "(" + i.join(",") + ")" } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = jwplayer._, n = e.foreach, i = { mp4: "video/mp4", ogg: "video/ogg", oga: "audio/ogg", vorbis: "audio/ogg", webm: "video/webm", aac: "audio/mp4", mp3: "audio/mpeg", hls: "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl" }, r = { mp4: i.mp4, f4v: i.mp4, m4v: i.mp4, mov: i.mp4, m4a: i.aac, f4a: i.aac, aac: i.aac, mp3: i.mp3, ogv: i.ogg, ogg: i.ogg, oga: i.vorbis, vorbis: i.vorbis, webm: i.webm, m3u8: i.hls, m3u: i.hls, hls: i.hls }, a = e.extensionmap = {}; n(r, function (e, t) { a[e] = { html5: t } }), n({ flv: "video", f4v: "video", mov: "video", m4a: "video", m4v: "video", mp4: "video", aac: "video", f4a: "video", mp3: "sound", smil: "rtmp", m3u8: "hls", hls: "hls" }, function (e, t) { a[e] || (a[e] = {}), a[e].flash = t }), a.types = i, a.mimeType = function (e) { var n; return t.find(i, function (t, i) { return t === e ? (n = i, !0) : void 0 }), n }, a.extType = function (e) { return a.mimeType(r[e]) } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { var t = e.loaderstatus = { NEW: 0, LOADING: 1, ERROR: 2, COMPLETE: 3 }; e.scriptloader = function (n) { function i(e) { s = t.ERROR, o.sendEvent(a.ERROR, e) } function r(e) { s = t.COMPLETE, o.sendEvent(a.COMPLETE, e) } var a = jwplayer.events, o = e.extend(this, new a.eventdispatcher), s = t.NEW; this.load = function () { if (s === t.NEW) { var o = e.scriptloader.loaders[n]; if (o && (s = o.getStatus(), 2 > s)) return o.addEventListener(a.ERROR, i), void o.addEventListener(a.COMPLETE, r); var l = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, u = document.createElement("script"), c = !1; u.onload = u.onreadystatechange = function (e) { c || this.readyState && "loaded" !== this.readyState && "complete" !== this.readyState || (c = !0, r(e), u.onload = u.onreadystatechange = null, l && u.parentNode && l.removeChild(u)) }, u.onerror = i, u.src = n, l.insertBefore(u, l.firstChild), s = t.LOADING, e.scriptloader.loaders[n] = this } }, this.getStatus = function () { return s } }, e.scriptloader.loaders = {} }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { e.trim = function (e) { return e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }, e.pad = function (e, t, n) { for (n || (n = "0") ; e.length < t;) e = n + e; return e }, e.xmlAttribute = function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.attributes.length; n++) if (e.attributes[n].name && e.attributes[n].name.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()) return e.attributes[n].value.toString(); return "" }, e.extension = function (e) { if (!e || "rtmp" === e.substr(0, 4)) return ""; var t; return (t = -1 < e.indexOf("(format=m3u8-") ? "m3u8" : !1) ? t : (e = e.substring(e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, e.length).split("?")[0].split("#")[0], -1 < e.lastIndexOf(".") ? e.substr(e.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, e.length).toLowerCase() : void 0) }, e.stringToColor = function (e) { return e = e.replace(/(#|0x)?([0-9A-F]{3,6})$/gi, "$2"), 3 === e.length && (e = e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(2) + e.charAt(2)), parseInt(e, 16) } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { var t = "touchmove", n = "touchstart"; e.touch = function (i) { function r(e) { e.type === n ? (l = !0, c = o(f.DRAG_START, e)) : e.type === t ? l && (d || (a(f.DRAG_START, e, c), d = !0), a(f.DRAG, e)) : (l && (d ? a(f.DRAG_END, e) : (e.cancelBubble = !0, a(f.TAP, e))), l = d = !1, c = null) } function a(e, t, n) { u[e] && (t.preventManipulation && t.preventManipulation(), t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), t = n ? n : o(e, t)) && u[e](t) } function o(e, t) { var n = null; if (t.touches && t.touches.length ? n = t.touches[0] : t.changedTouches && t.changedTouches.length && (n = t.changedTouches[0]), !n) return null; var i = s.getBoundingClientRect(), n = { type: e, target: s, x: n.pageX - window.pageXOffset - i.left, y: n.pageY, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0 }; return e !== f.TAP && c && (n.deltaX = n.x - c.x, n.deltaY = n.y - c.y), n } var s = i, l = !1, u = {}, c = null, d = !1, f = e.touchEvents; return document.addEventListener(t, r), document.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) { l && d && a(f.DRAG_END, e), l = d = !1, c = null }), document.addEventListener("touchcancel", r), i.addEventListener(n, r), i.addEventListener("touchend", r), this.addEventListener = function (e, t) { u[e] = t }, this.removeEventListener = function (e) { delete u[e] }, this } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { e.touchEvents = { DRAG: "jwplayerDrag", DRAG_START: "jwplayerDragStart", DRAG_END: "jwplayerDragEnd", TAP: "jwplayerTap" } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { e.key = function (t) { var n, i, r; this.edition = function () { return r && r.getTime() < (new Date).getTime() ? "invalid" : n }, this.token = function () { return i }, e.exists(t) || (t = ""); try { t = e.tea.decrypt(t, "36QXq4W@GSBV^teR"); var a = t.split("/"); (n = a[0]) ? /^(free|pro|premium|enterprise|ads)$/i.test(n) ? (i = a[1], a[2] && 0 < parseInt(a[2]) && (r = new Date, r.setTime(String(a[2])))) : n = "invalid" : n = "free" } catch (o) { n = "invalid" } } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { var t = e.tea = {}; t.encrypt = function (e, r) { if (0 == e.length) return ""; var a = t.strToLongs(i.encode(e)); 1 >= a.length && (a[1] = 0); for (var o, s = t.strToLongs(i.encode(r).slice(0, 16)), l = a.length, u = a[l - 1], c = a[0], d = Math.floor(6 + 52 / l), f = 0; 0 < d--;) { f += 2654435769, o = f >>> 2 & 3; for (var p = 0; l > p; p++) c = a[(p + 1) % l], u = (u >>> 5 ^ c << 2) + (c >>> 3 ^ u << 4) ^ (f ^ c) + (s[3 & p ^ o] ^ u), u = a[p] += u } return a = t.longsToStr(a), n.encode(a) }, t.decrypt = function (e, r) { if (0 == e.length) return ""; for (var a, o = t.strToLongs(n.decode(e)), s = t.strToLongs(i.encode(r).slice(0, 16)), l = o.length, u = o[l - 1], c = o[0], d = 2654435769 * Math.floor(6 + 52 / l) ; 0 != d;) { a = d >>> 2 & 3; for (var f = l - 1; f >= 0; f--) u = o[f > 0 ? f - 1 : l - 1], u = (u >>> 5 ^ c << 2) + (c >>> 3 ^ u << 4) ^ (d ^ c) + (s[3 & f ^ a] ^ u), c = o[f] -= u; d -= 2654435769 } return o = t.longsToStr(o), o = o.replace(/\0+$/, ""), i.decode(o) }, t.strToLongs = function (e) { for (var t = Array(Math.ceil(e.length / 4)), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] = e.charCodeAt(4 * n) + (e.charCodeAt(4 * n + 1) << 8) + (e.charCodeAt(4 * n + 2) << 16) + (e.charCodeAt(4 * n + 3) << 24); return t }, t.longsToStr = function (e) { for (var t = Array(e.length), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t[n] = String.fromCharCode(255 & e[n], e[n] >>> 8 & 255, e[n] >>> 16 & 255, e[n] >>> 24 & 255); return t.join("") }; var n = { code: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", encode: function (e, t) { var r, a, o, s, l, u, c = [], d = "", f = n.code; if (u = ("undefined" == typeof t ? 0 : t) ? i.encode(e) : e, l = u.length % 3, l > 0) for (; 3 > l++;) d += "=", u += "\x00"; for (l = 0; l < u.length; l += 3) r = u.charCodeAt(l), a = u.charCodeAt(l + 1), o = u.charCodeAt(l + 2), s = r << 16 | a << 8 | o, r = s >> 18 & 63, a = s >> 12 & 63, o = s >> 6 & 63, s &= 63, c[l / 3] = f.charAt(r) + f.charAt(a) + f.charAt(o) + f.charAt(s); return c = c.join(""), c = c.slice(0, c.length - d.length) + d }, decode: function (e, t) { t = "undefined" == typeof t ? !1 : t; var r, a, o, s, l, u, c = [], d = n.code; u = t ? i.decode(e) : e; for (var f = 0; f < u.length; f += 4) r = d.indexOf(u.charAt(f)), a = d.indexOf(u.charAt(f + 1)), s = d.indexOf(u.charAt(f + 2)), l = d.indexOf(u.charAt(f + 3)), o = r << 18 | a << 12 | s << 6 | l, r = o >>> 16 & 255, a = o >>> 8 & 255, o &= 255, c[f / 4] = String.fromCharCode(r, a, o), 64 == l && (c[f / 4] = String.fromCharCode(r, a)), 64 == s && (c[f / 4] = String.fromCharCode(r)); return s = c.join(""), t ? i.decode(s) : s } }, i = { encode: function (e) { return e = e.replace(/[\u0080-\u07ff]/g, function (e) { return e = e.charCodeAt(0), String.fromCharCode(192 | e >> 6, 128 | 63 & e) }), e = e.replace(/[\u0800-\uffff]/g, function (e) { return e = e.charCodeAt(0), String.fromCharCode(224 | e >> 12, 128 | e >> 6 & 63, 128 | 63 & e) }) }, decode: function (e) { return e = e.replace(/[\u00e0-\u00ef][\u0080-\u00bf][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, function (e) { return e = (15 & e.charCodeAt(0)) << 12 | (63 & e.charCodeAt(1)) << 6 | 63 & e.charCodeAt(2), String.fromCharCode(e) }), e = e.replace(/[\u00c0-\u00df][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, function (e) { return e = (31 & e.charCodeAt(0)) << 6 | 63 & e.charCodeAt(1), String.fromCharCode(e) }) } } }(jwplayer.utils), function (e) { e.events = { COMPLETE: "COMPLETE", ERROR: "ERROR", API_READY: "jwplayerAPIReady", JWPLAYER_READY: "jwplayerReady", JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN: "jwplayerFullscreen", JWPLAYER_RESIZE: "jwplayerResize", JWPLAYER_ERROR: "jwplayerError", JWPLAYER_SETUP_ERROR: "jwplayerSetupError", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFOREPLAY: "jwplayerMediaBeforePlay", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFORECOMPLETE: "jwplayerMediaBeforeComplete", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER: "jwplayerMediaBuffer", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER_FULL: "jwplayerMediaBufferFull", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR: "jwplayerMediaError", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LOADED: "jwplayerMediaLoaded", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE: "jwplayerMediaComplete", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK: "jwplayerMediaSeek", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME: "jwplayerMediaTime", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME: "jwplayerMediaVolume", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META: "jwplayerMediaMeta", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE: "jwplayerMediaMute", JWPLAYER_AUDIO_TRACKS: "jwplayerAudioTracks", JWPLAYER_AUDIO_TRACK_CHANGED: "jwplayerAudioTrackChanged", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVELS: "jwplayerMediaLevels", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVEL_CHANGED: "jwplayerMediaLevelChanged", JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_CHANGED: "jwplayerCaptionsChanged", JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_LIST: "jwplayerCaptionsList", JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_LOADED: "jwplayerCaptionsLoaded", JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE: "jwplayerPlayerState", state: { BUFFERING: "BUFFERING", IDLE: "IDLE", PAUSED: "PAUSED", PLAYING: "PLAYING" }, JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED: "jwplayerPlaylistLoaded", JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM: "jwplayerPlaylistItem", JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_COMPLETE: "jwplayerPlaylistComplete", JWPLAYER_DISPLAY_CLICK: "jwplayerViewClick", JWPLAYER_PROVIDER_CLICK: "jwplayerProviderClick", JWPLAYER_VIEW_TAB_FOCUS: "jwplayerViewTabFocus", JWPLAYER_CONTROLS: "jwplayerViewControls", JWPLAYER_USER_ACTION: "jwplayerUserAction", JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_CLICK: "jwplayerInstreamClicked", JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_DESTROYED: "jwplayerInstreamDestroyed", JWPLAYER_AD_TIME: "jwplayerAdTime", JWPLAYER_AD_ERROR: "jwplayerAdError", JWPLAYER_AD_CLICK: "jwplayerAdClicked", JWPLAYER_AD_COMPLETE: "jwplayerAdComplete", JWPLAYER_AD_IMPRESSION: "jwplayerAdImpression", JWPLAYER_AD_COMPANIONS: "jwplayerAdCompanions", JWPLAYER_AD_SKIPPED: "jwplayerAdSkipped", JWPLAYER_AD_PLAY: "jwplayerAdPlay", JWPLAYER_AD_PAUSE: "jwplayerAdPause", JWPLAYER_AD_META: "jwplayerAdMeta", JWPLAYER_CAST_AVAILABLE: "jwplayerCastAvailable", JWPLAYER_CAST_SESSION: "jwplayerCastSession", JWPLAYER_CAST_AD_CHANGED: "jwplayerCastAdChanged" } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.utils; e.events.eventdispatcher = function (n, i) { function r(e, n, i) { if (e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var a = e[r]; if (a) { null !== a.count && 0 === --a.count && delete e[r]; try { a.listener(n) } catch (o) { t.log('Error handling "' + i + '" event listener [' + r + "]: " + o.toString(), a.listener, n) } } } } var a, o; this.resetEventListeners = function () { a = {}, o = [] }, this.resetEventListeners(), this.addEventListener = function (e, n, i) { try { t.exists(a[e]) || (a[e] = []), "string" === t.typeOf(n) && (n = new Function("return " + n)()), a[e].push({ listener: n, count: i || null }) } catch (r) { t.log("error", r) } return !1 }, this.removeEventListener = function (e, n) { var i; if (a[e]) { try { if (void 0 === n) return void (a[e] = []); for (i = 0; i < a[e].length; i++) if (a[e][i].listener.toString() === n.toString()) { a[e].splice(i, 1); break } } catch (r) { t.log("error", r) } return !1 } }, this.addGlobalListener = function (e, n) { try { "string" === t.typeOf(e) && (e = new Function("return " + e)()), o.push({ listener: e, count: n || null }) } catch (i) { t.log("error", i) } return !1 }, this.removeGlobalListener = function (e) { if (e) { try { for (var n = o.length; n--;) o[n].listener.toString() === e.toString() && o.splice(n, 1) } catch (i) { t.log("error", i) } return !1 } }, this.sendEvent = function (s, l) { t.exists(l) || (l = {}), t.extend(l, { id: n, version: e.version, type: s }), i && t.log(s, l), r(a[s], l, s), r(o, l, s) } } }(window.jwplayer), function (e) { var t = {}, n = {}; e.plugins = function () { }, e.plugins.loadPlugins = function (i, r) { return n[i] = new e.plugins.pluginloader(new e.plugins.model(t), r), n[i] }, e.plugins.registerPlugin = function (n, i, r, a) { var o = e.utils.getPluginName(n); t[o] || (t[o] = new e.plugins.plugin(n)), t[o].registerPlugin(n, i, r, a) } }(jwplayer), function (e) { e.plugins.model = function (t) { this.addPlugin = function (n) { var i = e.utils.getPluginName(n); return t[i] || (t[i] = new e.plugins.plugin(n)), t[i] }, this.getPlugins = function () { return t } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = jwplayer.utils, n = jwplayer.events; e.pluginmodes = { FLASH: 0, JAVASCRIPT: 1, HYBRID: 2 }, e.plugin = function (i) { function r() { switch (t.getPluginPathType(i)) { case t.pluginPathType.ABSOLUTE: return i; case t.pluginPathType.RELATIVE: return t.getAbsolutePath(i, window.location.href) } } function a() { c = setTimeout(function () { d = t.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, f.sendEvent(n.COMPLETE) }, 1e3) } function o() { d = t.loaderstatus.ERROR, f.sendEvent(n.ERROR, { url: i }) } var s, l, u, c, d = t.loaderstatus.NEW, f = new n.eventdispatcher; t.extend(this, f), this.load = function () { if (d === t.loaderstatus.NEW) if (0 < i.lastIndexOf(".swf")) s = i, d = t.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, f.sendEvent(n.COMPLETE); else if (t.getPluginPathType(i) === t.pluginPathType.CDN) d = t.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, f.sendEvent(n.COMPLETE); else { d = t.loaderstatus.LOADING; var e = new t.scriptloader(r()); e.addEventListener(n.COMPLETE, a), e.addEventListener(n.ERROR, o), e.load() } }, this.registerPlugin = function (e, i, r, a) { c && (clearTimeout(c), c = void 0), u = i, r && a ? (s = a, l = r) : "string" == typeof r ? s = r : "function" == typeof r ? l = r : !r && !a && (s = e), d = t.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, f.sendEvent(n.COMPLETE) }, this.getStatus = function () { return d }, this.getPluginName = function () { return t.getPluginName(i) }, this.getFlashPath = function () { if (s) switch (t.getPluginPathType(s)) { case t.pluginPathType.ABSOLUTE: return s; case t.pluginPathType.RELATIVE: return 0 < i.lastIndexOf(".swf") ? t.getAbsolutePath(s, window.location.href) : t.getAbsolutePath(s, r()) } return null }, this.getJS = function () { return l }, this.getTarget = function () { return u }, this.getPluginmode = function () { return "undefined" != typeof s && "undefined" != typeof l ? e.pluginmodes.HYBRID : "undefined" != typeof s ? e.pluginmodes.FLASH : "undefined" != typeof l ? e.pluginmodes.JAVASCRIPT : void 0 }, this.getNewInstance = function (e, t, n) { return new l(e, t, n) }, this.getURL = function () { return i } } }(jwplayer.plugins), function (e) { var t = e.utils, n = e.events, i = e._, r = t.foreach; e.plugins.pluginloader = function (e, a) { function o() { d || (d = !0, c = t.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, h.sendEvent(n.COMPLETE)) } function s() { if (!g && ((!f || 0 === i.keys(f).length) && o(), !d)) { var r = e.getPlugins(); u = i.after(p, o), t.foreach(f, function (e) { e = t.getPluginName(e); var i = r[e]; e = i.getJS(); var a = i.getTarget(), i = i.getStatus(); i === t.loaderstatus.LOADING || i === t.loaderstatus.NEW || (e && !t.versionCheck(a) && h.sendEvent(n.ERROR, { message: "Incompatible player version" }), u()) }) } } function l(e) { g || (h.sendEvent(n.ERROR, { message: "File not found" }), e.url && t.log("File not found", e.url), s()) } var u, c = t.loaderstatus.NEW, d = !1, f = a, p = i.size(f), g = !1, h = new n.eventdispatcher; t.extend(this, h), this.setupPlugins = function (n, i, a) { var o = { length: 0, plugins: {} }, s = 0, l = {}, u = e.getPlugins(); return r(i.plugins, function (e, r) { var c = t.getPluginName(e), d = u[c], f = d.getFlashPath(), p = d.getJS(), g = d.getURL(); f && (o.plugins[f] = t.extend({}, r), o.plugins[f].pluginmode = d.getPluginmode(), o.length++); try { if (p && i.plugins && i.plugins[g]) { var h = document.createElement("div"); h.id = n.id + "_" + c, h.style.position = "absolute", h.style.top = 0, h.style.zIndex = s + 10, l[c] = d.getNewInstance(n, t.extend({}, i.plugins[g]), h), s++, n.onReady(a(l[c], h, !0)), n.onResize(a(l[c], h)) } } catch (y) { t.log("ERROR: Failed to load " + c + ".") } }), n.plugins = l, o }, this.load = function () { if (!t.exists(a) || "object" === t.typeOf(a)) { c = t.loaderstatus.LOADING, r(a, function (i) { t.exists(i) && (i = e.addPlugin(i), i.addEventListener(n.COMPLETE, s), i.addEventListener(n.ERROR, l)) }); var i = e.getPlugins(); r(i, function (e, t) { t.load() }) } s() }, this.destroy = function () { g = !0, h && (h.resetEventListeners(), h = null) }, this.pluginFailed = l, this.getStatus = function () { return c } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { e.parsers = { localName: function (e) { return e ? e.localName ? e.localName : e.baseName ? e.baseName : "" : "" }, textContent: function (t) { return t ? t.textContent ? e.utils.trim(t.textContent) : t.text ? e.utils.trim(t.text) : "" : "" }, getChildNode: function (e, t) { return e.childNodes[t] }, numСʪÃÃÊÓƵ: function (e) { return e.childNodes ? e.childNodes.length : 0 } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.parsers; (t.jwparser = function () { }).parseEntry = function (n, i) { for (var r = [], a = [], o = e.utils.xmlAttribute, s = 0; s < n.childNodes.length; s++) { var l = n.childNodes[s]; if ("jwplayer" === l.prefix) { var u = t.localName(l); "source" === u ? (delete i.sources, r.push({ file: o(l, "file"), "default": o(l, "default"), label: o(l, "label"), type: o(l, "type") })) : "track" === u ? (delete i.tracks, a.push({ file: o(l, "file"), "default": o(l, "default"), kind: o(l, "kind"), label: o(l, "label") })) : (i[u] = e.utils.serialize(t.textContent(l)), "file" === u && i.sources && delete i.sources) } i.file || (i.file = i.link) } if (r.length) for (i.sources = [], s = 0; s < r.length; s++) 0 < r[s].file.length && (r[s]["default"] = "true" === r[s]["default"] ? !0 : !1, r[s].label.length || delete r[s].label, i.sources.push(r[s])); if (a.length) for (i.tracks = [], s = 0; s < a.length; s++) 0 < a[s].file.length && (a[s]["default"] = "true" === a[s]["default"] ? !0 : !1, a[s].kind = a[s].kind.length ? a[s].kind : "captions", a[s].label.length || delete a[s].label, i.tracks.push(a[s])); return i } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = jwplayer.utils, n = t.xmlAttribute, i = e.localName, r = e.textContent, a = e.numСʪÃÃÊÓƵ, o = e.mediaparser = function () { }; o.parseGroup = function (e, s) { var l, u, c = []; for (u = 0; u < a(e) ; u++) if (l = e.childNodes[u], "media" === l.prefix && i(l)) switch (i(l).toLowerCase()) { case "content": n(l, "duration") && (s.duration = t.seconds(n(l, "duration"))), 0 < a(l) && (s = o.parseGroup(l, s)), n(l, "url") && (s.sources || (s.sources = []), s.sources.push({ file: n(l, "url"), type: n(l, "type"), width: n(l, "width"), label: n(l, "label") })); break; case "title": s.title = r(l); break; case "description": s.description = r(l); break; case "guid": s.mediaid = r(l); break; case "thumbnail": s.image || (s.image = n(l, "url")); break; case "group": o.parseGroup(l, s); break; case "subtitle": var d = {}; if (d.file = n(l, "url"), d.kind = "captions", 0 < n(l, "lang").length) { var f = d; l = n(l, "lang"); var p = { zh: "Chinese", nl: "Dutch", en: "English", fr: "French", de: "German", it: "Italian", ja: "Japanese", pt: "Portuguese", ru: "Russian", es: "Spanish" }; l = p[l] ? p[l] : l, f.label = l } c.push(d) } for (s.hasOwnProperty("tracks") || (s.tracks = []), u = 0; u < c.length; u++) s.tracks.push(c[u]); return s } }(jwplayer.parsers), function (e) { function t(t) { for (var r = {}, a = 0; a < t.childNodes.length; a++) { var s = t.childNodes[a], l = o(s); if (l) switch (l.toLowerCase()) { case "enclosure": r.file = n.xmlAttribute(s, "url"); break; case "title": r.title = i(s); break; case "guid": r.mediaid = i(s); break; case "pubdate": r.date = i(s); break; case "description": r.description = i(s); break; case "link": r.link = i(s); break; case "category": r.tags = r.tags ? r.tags + i(s) : i(s) } } return r = e.mediaparser.parseGroup(t, r), r = e.jwparser.parseEntry(t, r), new jwplayer.playlist.item(r) } var n = jwplayer.utils, i = e.textContent, r = e.getChildNode, a = e.numСʪÃÃÊÓƵ, o = e.localName; e.rssparser = {}, e.rssparser.parse = function (e) { for (var n = [], i = 0; i < a(e) ; i++) { var s = r(e, i); if ("channel" === o(s).toLowerCase()) for (var l = 0; l < a(s) ; l++) { var u = r(s, l); "item" === o(u).toLowerCase() && n.push(t(u)) } } return n } }(jwplayer.parsers), function (e) { var t = e.utils, n = e._; e.playlist = function (t) { var i = []; return t = n.isArray(t) ? t : [t], n.each(t, function (t) { i.push(new e.playlist.item(t)) }), i }, e.playlist.filterPlaylist = function (e, r) { var a = []; return n.each(e, function (e) { if (e = t.extend({}, e), e.sources = i(e.sources, !1, r), e.sources.length) { for (var n = 0; n < e.sources.length; n++) e.sources[n].label = e.sources[n].label || n.toString(); a.push(e) } }), a }; var i = e.playlist.filterSources = function (i, r, a) { var o, s = [], l = r ? e.embed.flashCanPlay : e.embed.html5CanPlay; return i ? (n.each(i, function (e) { if (e && e.file) { var n = t.trim("" + e.file), i = e.type; i || (i = t.extension(n), i = t.extensionmap.extType(i)), e = t.extend({}, e, { file: n, type: i }) } else e = void 0; e && l(e.file, e.type, a) && (o = o || e.type, e.type === o && s.push(e)) }), s) : void 0 } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.item = function (n) { var i, r, a = jwplayer.utils, o = a.extend({}, t.defaults, n); for (o.tracks = n && a.exists(n.tracks) ? n.tracks : [], 0 === o.sources.length && (o.sources = [new e.source(o)]), i = 0; i < o.sources.length; i++) r = o.sources[i]["default"], o.sources[i]["default"] = r ? "true" === r.toString() : !1, o.sources[i] = new e.source(o.sources[i]); if (o.captions && !a.exists(n.tracks)) { for (n = 0; n < o.captions.length; n++) o.tracks.push(o.captions[n]); delete o.captions } for (i = 0; i < o.tracks.length; i++) o.tracks[i] = new e.track(o.tracks[i]); return o }; t.defaults = { description: void 0, image: void 0, mediaid: void 0, title: void 0, sources: [], tracks: [] } }(jwplayer.playlist), function (e) { var t = e.utils, n = e.events, i = e.parsers; e.playlist.loader = function () { function r(t) { try { var r = t.responseXML.childNodes; t = ""; for (var a = 0; a < r.length && (t = r[a], !(8 !== t.nodeType)) ; a++); if ("xml" === i.localName(t) && (t = t.nextSibling), "rss" !== i.localName(t)) o("Not a valid RSS feed"); else { var l = new e.playlist(i.rssparser.parse(t)); s.sendEvent(n.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED, { playlist: l }) } } catch (u) { o() } } function a(e) { o(e.match(/invalid/i) ? "Not a valid RSS feed" : "") } function o(e) { s.sendEvent(n.JWPLAYER_ERROR, { message: e ? e : "Error loading file" }) } var s = new n.eventdispatcher; t.extend(this, s), this.load = function (e) { t.ajax(e, r, a) } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = jwplayer.utils, n = { file: void 0, label: void 0, type: void 0, "default": void 0 }; e.source = function (e) { var i = t.extend({}, n); return t.foreach(n, function (n) { t.exists(e[n]) && (i[n] = e[n], delete e[n]) }), i.type && 0 < i.type.indexOf("/") && (i.type = t.extensionmap.mimeType(i.type)), "m3u8" === i.type && (i.type = "hls"), "smil" === i.type && (i.type = "rtmp"), i } }(jwplayer.playlist), function (e) { var t = jwplayer.utils, n = { file: void 0, label: void 0, kind: "captions", "default": !1 }; e.track = function (e) { var i = t.extend({}, n); return e || (e = {}), t.foreach(n, function (n) { t.exists(e[n]) && (i[n] = e[n], delete e[n]) }), i } }(jwplayer.playlist), function (e) { function t(e, t, i) { var r = e.style; r.backgroundColor = "#000", r.color = "#FFF", r.width = n.styleDimension(i.width), r.height = n.styleDimension(i.height), r.display = "table", r.opacity = 1, i = document.createElement("p"), r = i.style, r.verticalAlign = "middle", r.textAlign = "center", r.display = "table-cell", r.font = "15px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", i.innerHTML = t.replace(":", ":
"), e.innerHTML = "", e.appendChild(i) } var n = e.utils, i = e.events, r = e._, a = e.embed = function (o) { function s() { if (!w) { var t = g.playlist; if (r.isArray(t)) { if (0 === t.length) return void c(); if (!(1 !== t.length || t[0].sources && 0 !== t[0].sources.length && t[0].sources[0].file)) return void c() } if (!A) if (r.isString(t)) p = new e.playlist.loader, p.addEventListener(i.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED, function (e) { g.playlist = e.playlist, A = !1, s() }), p.addEventListener(i.JWPLAYER_ERROR, function (e) { A = !1, c(e) }), A = !0, p.load(g.playlist); else if (E.getStatus() === n.loaderstatus.COMPLETE) { for (t = 0; t < g.modes.length; t++) { var u = g.modes[t], f = u.type; if (f && a[f]) { var h = n.extend({}, g); if (P = new a[f](_, u, h, E, o), P.supportsConfig()) return P.addEventListener(i.ERROR, l), P.embed(), n.css("object.jwswf, .jwplayer:focus", { outline: "none" }), n.css(".jw-tab-focus:focus", { outline: "solid 2px #0B7EF4" }), o } } g.fallback ? (t = "No suitable players found and fallback enabled", d(t, !0), n.log(t), new a.download(_, g, c)) : (t = "No suitable players found and fallback disabled", d(t, !1), n.log(t)) } } } function l(e) { f(m + e.message) } function u(e) { o.dispatchEvent(i.JWPLAYER_ERROR, { message: "Could not load plugin: " + e.message }) } function c(e) { f(e && e.message ? "Error loading playlist: " + e.message : m + "No playable sources found") } function d(e, t) { clearTimeout(L), L = setTimeout(function () { o.dispatchEvent(i.JWPLAYER_SETUP_ERROR, { message: e, fallback: t }) }, 0) } function f(e) { w || (v.parentNode.replaceChild(_, v), g.fallback ? (w = !0, t(_, e, g), d(e, !0)) : d(e, !1)) } var p, g = new a.config(o.config), h = g.width, y = g.height, m = "Error loading player: ", v = document.getElementById(o.id), E = e.plugins.loadPlugins(o.id, g.plugins), A = !1, w = !1, P = null, L = -1; g.id = o.id, g.aspectratio ? o.config.aspectratio = g.aspectratio : delete o.config.aspectratio; var R = o; n.foreach(g.events, function (e, t) { var n = R[e]; "function" == typeof n && n.call(R, t) }); var _ = document.createElement("div"); return _.id = v.id, _.style.width = 0 < h.toString().indexOf("%") ? h : h + "px", _.style.height = 0 < y.toString().indexOf("%") ? y : y + "px", this.embed = function () { w || (E.addEventListener(i.COMPLETE, s), E.addEventListener(i.ERROR, u), E.load()) }, this.destroy = function () { P && (P.destroy(), P = null), E && (E.destroy(), E = null), p && (p.resetEventListeners(), p = null) }, this.errorScreen = f, this }; e.embed.errorScreen = t }(jwplayer), function (e) { function t(e) { if (e.playlist) for (var t = 0; t < e.playlist.length; t++) e.playlist[t] = new r(e.playlist[t]); else { var a = {}; i.foreach(r.defaults, function (t) { n(e, a, t) }), a.sources || (e.levels ? (a.sources = e.levels, delete e.levels) : (t = {}, n(e, t, "file"), n(e, t, "type"), a.sources = t.file ? [t] : [])), e.playlist = [new r(a)] } } function n(e, t, n) { i.exists(e[n]) && (t[n] = e[n], delete e[n]) } var i = e.utils, r = e.playlist.item; (e.embed.config = function (n) { var r = { fallback: !0, height: 270, primary: "html5", width: 480, base: n.base ? n.base : i.getScriptPath("jwplayer.js"), aspectratio: "" }; n = i.extend({}, r, e.defaults, n); var r = { type: "html5", src: n.base + "jwplayer.html5.js" }, a = { type: "flash", src: n.base + "jwplayer.flash.swf" }; if (n.modes = "flash" === n.primary ? [a, r] : [r, a], n.listbar && (n.playlistsize = n.listbar.size, n.playlistposition = n.listbar.position, n.playlistlayout = n.listbar.layout), n.flashplayer && (a.src = n.flashplayer), n.html5player && (r.src = n.html5player), t(n), a = n.aspectratio, "string" == typeof a && i.exists(a)) { var o = a.indexOf(":"); -1 === o ? r = 0 : (r = parseFloat(a.substr(0, o)), a = parseFloat(a.substr(o + 1)), r = 0 >= r || 0 >= a ? 0 : 100 * (a / r) + "%") } else r = 0; return -1 === n.width.toString().indexOf("%") ? delete n.aspectratio : r ? n.aspectratio = r : delete n.aspectratio, n }).addConfig = function (e, n) { return t(n), i.extend(e, n) } }(jwplayer), function (e) { function t(e, t) { function i(e, t) { r[a].style[e] = t } for (var r = document.querySelectorAll(e), a = 0; a < r.length; a++) n.foreach(t, i) } var n = e.utils; e.embed.download = function (e, i, r) { function a(e, t, n) { return e = document.createElement(e), t && (e.className = "jwdownload" + t), n && n.appendChild(e), e } var o, s, l = n.extend({}, i), u = l.width ? l.width : 480, c = l.height ? l.height : 320; i = i.logo ? i.logo : { prefix: n.repo(), file: "logo.png", margin: 10 }; var d, f, p, g, h, y; if (f = l.playlist, l = ["mp4", "aac", "mp3"], f && f.length) { for (p = f[0], g = p.sources, f = 0; f < g.length; f++) h = g[f], h.file && (y = h.type || n.extensionmap.extType(n.extension(h.file)), 0 <= n.indexOf(l, y) ? (o = h.file, s = p.image) : n.isYouTube(h.file, y) && (d = h.file)); o ? (r = o, e && (o = a("a", "display", e), a("div", "icon", o), a("div", "logo", o), r && o.setAttribute("href", n.getAbsolutePath(r))), r = "#" + e.id + " .jwdownload", e.style.width = "", e.style.height = "", t(r + "display", { width: n.styleDimension(Math.max(320, u)), height: n.styleDimension(Math.max(180, c)), background: "black center no-repeat " + (s ? "url(" + s + ")" : ""), backgroundSize: "contain", position: "relative", border: "none", display: "block" }), t(r + "display div", { position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%" }), t(r + "logo", { top: i.margin + "px", right: i.margin + "px", background: "top right no-repeat url(" + i.prefix + i.file + ")" }), t(r + "icon", { background: "center no-repeat url()" })) : d ? (i = d, e = a("iframe", "", e), e.src = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + n.youTubeID(i), e.width = u, e.height = c, e.style.border = "none") : r() } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.utils, n = e.events, i = {}; (e.embed.flash = function (a, o, s, l, u) { function c(e, t, n) { var i = document.createElement("param"); i.setAttribute("name", t), i.setAttribute("value", n), e.appendChild(i) } function d(e, t, n) { return function () { try { n && document.getElementById(u.id + "_wrapper").appendChild(t); var i = document.getElementById(u.id).getPluginConfig("display"); "function" == typeof e.resize && e.resize(i.width, i.height), t.style.left = i.x, t.style.top = i.h } catch (r) { } } } function f(e) { if (!e) return {}; var n = {}, i = []; return t.foreach(e, function (e, r) { var a = t.getPluginName(e); i.push(e), t.foreach(r, function (e, t) { n[a + "." + e] = t }) }), n.plugins = i.join(","), n } var p = new e.events.eventdispatcher, g = t.flashVersion(); t.extend(this, p), this.embed = function () { if (s.id = u.id, 10 > g) return p.sendEvent(n.ERROR, { message: "Flash version must be 10.0 or greater" }), !1; var e, r, h = a.id, y = u.config.listbar, m = t.extend({}, s); if (e = document.getElementById(u.id), e.parentNode.replaceChild(a, e), h + "_wrapper" === a.parentNode.id) e = document.getElementById(h + "_wrapper"); else { if (e = document.createElement("div"), r = document.createElement("div"), r.style.display = "none", r.id = h + "_aspect", e.id = h + "_wrapper", e.style.position = "relative", e.style.display = "block", e.style.width = t.styleDimension(m.width), e.style.height = t.styleDimension(m.height), u.config.aspectratio) { var v = parseFloat(u.config.aspectratio); r.style.display = "block", r.style.marginTop = u.config.aspectratio, e.style.height = "auto", e.style.display = "inline-block", y && ("bottom" === y.position ? r.style.paddingBottom = y.size + "px" : "right" === y.position && (r.style.marginBottom = -1 * y.size * (v / 100) + "px")) } a.parentNode.replaceChild(e, a), e.appendChild(a), e.appendChild(r) } for (y = l.setupPlugins(u, m, d), 0 < y.length ? t.extend(m, f(y.plugins)) : delete m.plugins, "undefined" != typeof m["dock.position"] && "false" === m["dock.position"].toString().toLowerCase() && (m.dock = m["dock.position"], delete m["dock.position"]), y = m.wmode || (m.height && 40 >= m.height ? "transparent" : "opaque"), r = "height width modes events primary base fallback volume".split(" "), v = 0; v < r.length; v++) delete m[r[v]]; r = t.getCookies(), t.foreach(r, function (e, t) { "undefined" == typeof m[e] && (m[e] = t) }), r = window.location.href.split("/"), r.splice(r.length - 1, 1), r = r.join("/"), m.base = r + "/", i[h] = m, t.isMSIE() ? (a.outerHTML = '', e = e.getElementsByTagName("object")[0], e.style.outline = "none") : (e = document.createElement("object"), e.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash"), e.setAttribute("data", o.src), e.setAttribute("width", "100%"), e.setAttribute("height", "100%"), e.setAttribute("bgcolor", "#000000"), e.setAttribute("id", h), e.setAttribute("name", h), e.className = "jwswf", c(e, "allowfullscreen", "true"), c(e, "allowscriptaccess", "always"), c(e, "seamlesstabbing", "true"), c(e, "wmode", y), a.parentNode.replaceChild(e, a)), u.config.aspectratio && (e.style.position = "absolute", e.style.left = "0"), u.container = e, u.setPlayer(e, "flash") }, this.supportsConfig = function () { if (g) { if (!s) return !0; if ("string" === t.typeOf(s.playlist)) return !0; try { var e = s.playlist[0].sources; if ("undefined" == typeof e) return !0; for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) if (e[n].file && r(e[n].file, e[n].type)) return !0 } catch (i) { } } return !1 }, this.destroy = function () { } }).getVars = function (e) { return i[e] }; var r = e.embed.flashCanPlay = function (e, n) { if (t.isYouTube(e, n) || t.isRtmp(e, n) || "hls" === n) return !0; var i = t.extensionmap[n ? n : t.extension(e)]; return i ? !!i.flash : !1 } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t, n = e.utils, i = n.extensionmap, r = e.events; e.embed.html5 = function (i, a, o, s, l) { function u(e, t, n) { return function () { try { var r = document.querySelector("#" + i.id + " .jwmain"); n && r.appendChild(t), "function" == typeof e.resize && (e.resize(r.clientWidth, r.clientHeight), setTimeout(function () { e.resize(r.clientWidth, r.clientHeight) }, 400)), t.left = r.style.left, t.top = r.style.top } catch (a) { } } } var c = new r.eventdispatcher; n.extend(this, c), this.embed = function () { if (e.html5) { s.setupPlugins(l, o, u), n.emptyElement(i); var t = e.utils.extend({}, o); delete t.volume, t = new e.html5.player(t), l.setPlayer(t, "html5") } else this.loadEmbedder() }, this.loadEmbedder = function () { t = t || new n.scriptloader(a.src), t.addEventListener(r.ERROR, this.loadError), t.addEventListener(r.COMPLETE, this.embed), t.load() }, this.loadError = function (e) { this.sendEvent(e.type, { message: "HTML5 player not found" }) }, this.supportsConfig = function () { if (e.vid.canPlayType) try { if ("string" === n.typeOf(o.playlist)) return !0; for (var t = o.playlist[0].sources, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) if (e.embed.html5CanPlay(t[i].file, t[i].type, o.androidhls)) return !0 } catch (r) { } return !1 }, this.destroy = function () { t && (t.resetEventListeners(), t = null) } }, e.embed.html5CanPlay = function (t, r, a) { if (null !== navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || n.isIE(9)) return !1; if (n.isYouTube(t, r)) return !0; var o = n.extension(t); if (r = r || i.extType(o), "hls" === r) if (a) { if (a = n.isAndroidNative, a(2) || a(3) || a("4.0")) return !1; if (n.isAndroid()) return !0 } else if (n.isAndroid()) return !1; if (n.isRtmp(t, r)) return !1; if (t = i[r] || i[o], !t || t.flash && !t.html5) return !1; var s; e: if (t = t.html5) { try { s = !!e.vid.canPlayType(t); break e } catch (l) { } s = !1 } else s = !0; return s } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.embed, n = e.embed.html5CanPlay, i = e.utils, r = e._, a = /\.(js|swf)$/; e.cast = e.cast || {}, e.embed = i.extend(function (n) { function r() { o = "Adobe SiteCatalyst Error: Could not find Media Module" } var o, s = i.repo(), l = i.extend({}, e.defaults), u = i.extend({}, l, n.config), c = n.config, d = u.plugins, f = u.analytics, p = s + "jwpsrv.js", g = s + "sharing.js", h = s + "related.js", y = s + "gapro.js", l = e.key ? e.key : l.key, m = new e.utils.key(l).edition(), d = d ? d : {}; switch ("ads" == m && u.advertising && (a.test(u.advertising.client) ? d[u.advertising.client] = u.advertising : d[s + u.advertising.client + ".js"] = u.advertising), delete c.advertising, c.key = l, u.analytics && a.test(u.analytics.client) && (p = u.analytics.client), delete c.analytics, f && !("ads" === m || "enterprise" === m) && delete f.enabled, "free" != m && f && !1 === f.enabled || (d[p] = f ? f : {}), delete d.sharing, delete d.related, m) { case "ads": case "enterprise": if (c.sitecatalyst) try { window.s && window.s.hasOwnProperty("Media") ? new e.embed.sitecatalyst(n) : r() } catch (v) { r() } case "premium": u.related && (a.test(u.related.client) && (h = u.related.client), d[h] = u.related), u.ga && (a.test(u.ga.client) && (y = u.ga.client), d[y] = u.ga); case "pro": u.sharing && (a.test(u.sharing.client) && (g = u.sharing.client), d[g] = u.sharing), u.skin && (c.skin = u.skin.replace(/^(beelden|bekle|five|glow|modieus|roundster|stormtrooper|vapor)$/i, i.repo() + "skins/$1.xml")) } return c.plugins = d, n.config = c, n = new t(n), o && n.errorScreen(o), n }, e.embed), e.embed.html5CanPlay = function (t, i) { var a, o = { file: t, type: i }; return a = e.html5 && e.html5.chooseProvider ? e.html5.chooseProvider(o) !== e.html5.VideoProvider : r.any(e.unregisteredProviders, function (e) { return e.supports(o) }), a ? !0 : n.apply(this, arguments) } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = jwplayer.utils; e.sitecatalyst = function (e) { function n(e) { f.debug && t.log(e) } function i(e) { return e = e.split("/"), e = e[e.length - 1], e = e.split("?"), e[0] } function r() { if (!g) { g = !0; var e = d.getPosition(); n("stop: " + o + " : " + e), s.Media.stop(o, e) } } function a() { h || (r(), h = !0, n("close: " + o), s.Media.close(o), c = !0, u = 0) } var o, l, u, c, d = e, f = t.extend({}, d.config.sitecatalyst), p = { onPlay: function () { if (!c) { var e = d.getPosition(); g = !1, n("play: " + o + " : " + e), s.Media.play(o, e) } }, onPause: r, onBuffer: r, onIdle: a, onPlaylistItem: function (e) { try { c = !0, a(), u = 0; var n; if (f.mediaName) n = f.mediaName; else { var r = d.getPlaylistItem(e.index); n = r.title ? r.title : r.file ? i(r.file) : r.sources && r.sources.length ? i(r.sources[0].file) : "" } o = n, l = f.playerName ? f.playerName : d.id } catch (s) { t.log(s) } }, onTime: function () { if (c) { var e = d.getDuration(); if (-1 == e) return; h = g = c = !1, n("open: " + o + " : " + e + " : " + l), s.Media.open(o, e, l), n("play: " + o + " : 0"), s.Media.play(o, 0) } if (e = d.getPosition(), 3 <= Math.abs(e - u)) { var t = u; n("seek: " + t + " to " + e), n("stop: " + o + " : " + t), s.Media.stop(o, t), n("play: " + o + " : " + e), s.Media.play(o, e) } u = e }, onComplete: a }, g = !0, h = !0; t.foreach(p, function (e) { d[e](p[e]) }) } }(jwplayer.embed), function (e) { function t(e, t) { e[t] && (e[t] = n.getAbsolutePath(e[t])) } var n = e.utils, i = e._, r = window.location.href; e.cast.setupCastConfig = function (i, a) { var o = n.extend({}, i.config); o.cast = n.extend({ pageUrl: r }, a); for (var s = "base autostart controls fallback fullscreen width height mobilecontrols modes playlistlayout playlistposition playlistsize primary stretching sharing related ga skin logo listbar events".split(" "), l = s.length; l--;) delete o[s[l]]; s = o.plugins, delete o.plugins; for (var u in s) if (s.hasOwnProperty(u)) { var c = s[u]; if (c.client && (/[\.\/]/.test(c.client) && t(c, "client"), -1 < c.client.indexOf("vast"))) { if (l = o, c = n.extend({}, c), c.client = "vast", delete c.companiondiv, c.schedule) { var d = void 0; for (d in c.schedule) c.schedule.hasOwnProperty(d) && t(c.schedule[d].ad || c.schedule[d], "tag") } t(c, "tag"), l.advertising = c } } return i.position && (o.position = i.position), 0 < i.item && (o.item = i.item), o.captionLabel = n.getCookies().captionLabel, o.playerVersion = e.version, o }, e.cast.setupFlashCastConfig = function (t) { var r = t.config; r.playlist = t.getPlaylist(); var a; return (a = i.find(r.plugins, function (e, t) { return 0 < t.indexOf("vast.js") })) ? (a.client = "vast", a = { advertising: a }) : a = {}, r = i.pick(r, "id captionLabel cast key playlist repeat".split(" ")), r.cast.pageUrl = window.location.href, n.extend(r, { playerVersion: e.version, captionLabel: n.getCookies().captionLabel, volume: t.getVolume(), mute: t.getMute(), id: t.id, position: t.getPosition(), item: t.getPlaylistIndex() }, a), r } }(window.jwplayer), function (e, t) { function n(e, t) { e[t] && (e[t] = r.getAbsolutePath(e[t])) } var i = t.cast, r = t.utils, a = t.events, o = a.state, s = {}; i.NS = "urn:x-cast:com.longtailvideo.jwplayer", i.debug = !1, i.availability = null, i.available = function (t) { t = t || i.availability; var n = e.chrome, r = "available"; return n.cast && n.cast.ReceiverAvailability && (r = n.cast.ReceiverAvailability.AVAILABLE), t === r }, i.controller = function (l, u) { function c(e, t) { i.log("send command", e, t); var n = { command: e }; void 0 !== t && (n.args = t), O.sendMessage(i.NS, n, I, function (e) { i.log("error message", e), "Invalid namespace" === e.description && v() }) } function d(e) { e = !!i.available(e.availability), N.available !== e && (N.available = e, h(a.JWPLAYER_CAST_AVAILABLE)) } function f(e) { i.log("existing session", e), !O && !F && (F = e.session, F.addMessageListener(i.NS, p)) } function p(e, n) { var r = JSON.parse(n); if (!r) throw "Message not proper JSON"; if (r.reconcile) { F.removeMessageListener(i.NS, p); var o = r.diff, s = F; o.id && r.appid && r.pageUrl || (o.id = t().id, r.appid = x.appid, r.pageUrl = Y, F = O = null), o.id === l.id && r.appid === x.appid && r.pageUrl === Y && (O || (l.jwInstreamState() && l.jwInstreamDestroy(!0), A(s), u.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, { oldstate: o.oldstate, newstate: o.newstate })), _(r)), F = null } } function g(e) { N.active = !!e, e = N; var t; t = O && O.receiver ? O.receiver.friendlyName : "", e.deviceName = t, h(a.JWPLAYER_CAST_SESSION, {}) } function h(e) { var t = r.extend({}, N); u.sendEvent(e, t) } function y(t) { var n = e.chrome; t.code !== n.cast.ErrorCode.CANCEL && (i.log("Cast Session Error:", t, O), t.code === n.cast.ErrorCode.SESSION_ERROR && v()) } function m(t) { var n = e.chrome; t.code !== n.cast.ErrorCode.CANCEL && (i.log("Cast Session Error:", t, O), t.code === n.cast.ErrorCode.SESSION_ERROR && v()) } function v() { O ? (L(), O.stop(P, E), C({ item: 0 }), _({ type: "state", diff: { buffer: 0, position: 0, duration: 0 } })) : P() } function E(e) { i.error("Cast Session Stop error:", e, O), P() } function A(n) { if (i.log("Session started:", n), O) v(), B = n; else { O = n, O.addMessageListener(i.NS, R), O.addUpdateListener(w), l.jwPause(!0), l.jwSetFullscreen(!1), J = u.getVideo(), M = u.volume, T = u.mute, k = new i.provider(c), k.init(), u.setVideoProvider(k), l.jwPlay = function (e) { !1 === e ? k.pause() : k.play() }, l.jwPause = function (e) { l.jwPlay(!!e) }, l.jwLoad = function (e) { "number" === r.typeOf(e) && u.setItem(e), k.load(e) }, l.jwPlaylistItem = function (e) { "number" === r.typeOf(e) && u.setItem(e), k.playlistItem(e) }, l.jwPlaylistNext = function () { l.jwPlaylistItem(u.item + 1) }, l.jwPlaylistPrev = function () { l.jwPlaylistItem(u.item - 1) }, l.jwSetVolume = function (e) { r.exists(e) && (e = 0 | Math.min(Math.max(0, e), 100), S(e) && (e = Math.max(0, Math.min(e / 100, 1)), O.setReceiverVolumeLevel(e, b, function (e) { i.error("set volume error", e), b() }))) }, l.jwSetMute = function (e) { r.exists(e) || (e = !D.mute), j(e) && O.setReceiverMuted(!!e, b, function (e) { i.error("set muted error", e), b() }) }, l.jwGetVolume = function () { return 0 | D.volume }, l.jwGetMute = function () { return !!D.mute }, l.jwIsBeforePlay = function () { return !1 }; var s = l.jwSetCurrentCaptions; l.jwSetCurrentCaptions = function (e) { s(e), k.sendCommand("caption", e) }, l.jwSkipAd = function (e) { W && (W.skipAd(e), e = W.getAdModel(), e.complete = !0, u.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_CAST_AD_CHANGED, e)) }, l.jwClickAd = function (n) { if (W && 300 < W.timeSinceClick() && (W.clickAd(n), u.state !== o.PAUSED)) { var i = { tag: n.tag }; n.sequence && (i.sequence = n.sequence), n.podcount && (i.podcount = n.podcount), t(l.id).dispatchEvent(a.JWPLAYER_AD_CLICK, i), e.open(n.clickthrough) } }, l.jwPlayAd = l.jwPauseAd = l.jwSetControls = l.jwForceState = l.jwReleaseState = l.jwSetFullscreen = l.jwDetachMedia = l.jwAttachMedia = I; var d = t(l.id).plugins; d.vast && d.vast.jwPauseAd !== I && (U = { jwPlayAd: d.vast.jwPlayAd, jwPauseAd: d.vast.jwPauseAd }, d.vast.jwPlayAd = d.vast.jwPauseAd = I), b(), g(!0), n !== F && (k.setup(t.cast.setupCastConfig(u, x), u), t.cast.loader.sendDummyMedia(n)) } } function w(e) { i.log("Cast Session status", e), e ? b() : (k.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, { oldstate: u.state, newstate: o.BUFFERING }), P()) } function P() { if (i.log("_sessionStopped"), O && (L(), O = null), J) { delete l.jwSkipAd, delete l.jwClickAd, l.initializeAPI(); var e = t(l.id).plugins; e.vast && r.extend(e.vast, U), u.volume = M, u.mute = T, u.setVideoProvider(J), u.duration = 0, k && (k.destroy(), k = null), W && (W.destroy(), W = null), u.state !== o.IDLE ? r.isIPad() || r.isIPod() ? (l.jwStop(!0), J.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, { oldstate: o.BUFFERING, newstate: o.IDLE })) : (u.state = o.IDLE, l.jwPlay(!0), l.jwSeek(u.position)) : J.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, { oldstate: o.BUFFERING, newstate: o.IDLE }), J = null } g(!1), null !== B && (A(B), B = null) } function L() { O.removeUpdateListener(w), O.removeMessageListener(i.NS, R) } function R(e, t) { var n = JSON.parse(t); if (!n) throw "Message not proper JSON"; _(n) } function _(e) { if ("state" === e.type) W && (e.diff.newstate || e.diff.position) && (W.destroy(), W = null, u.setVideoProvider(k), u.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_CAST_AD_CHANGED, { done: !0 })), k.updateModel(e.diff, e.type), C(e.diff); else if ("ad" === e.type) { null === W && (W = new i.adprovider(i.NS, O), W.init(), u.setVideoProvider(W)), W.updateModel(e.diff, e.type); var t = W.getAdModel(); e.diff.clickthrough && (t.onClick = l.jwClickAd), e.diff.skipoffset && (t.onSkipAd = l.jwSkipAd), u.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_CAST_AD_CHANGED, t), e.diff.complete && W.resetAdModel() } else "connection" === e.type ? !0 === e.closed && v() : i.error("received unhandled message", e.type, e) } function C(e) { void 0 !== e.item && u.item !== e.item && (u.item = e.item, u.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, { index: u.item })) } function b() { if (O && O.receiver) { var e = O.receiver.volume; if (e) { var t = 100 * e.level | 0; j(!!e.muted), S(t) } } } function S(e) { var t = D.volume !== e; return t && (D.volume = e, k.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME, { volume: e })), t } function j(e) { var t = D.mute !== e; return t && (D.mute = e, k.sendEvent(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE, { mute: e })), t } function I() { } var M, T, x, O = null, N = { available: !1, active: !1, deviceName: "" }, D = { volume: null, mute: null }, Y = r.getAbsolutePath(e.location.href), k = null, W = null, J = null; M = u.volume, T = u.mute; var F = null, B = null, U = null; x = r.extend({}, s, u.cast), n(x, "loadscreen"), n(x, "endscreen"), n(x, "logo"), !x.appid || e.cast && e.cast.receiver || (i.loader.addEventListener("availability", d), i.loader.addEventListener("session", f), i.loader.initialize(x.appid)), this.startCasting = function () { O || l.jwInstreamState() || e.chrome.cast.requestSession(A, y) }, this.stopCasting = v, this.openExtension = function () { l.jwInstreamState() || e.chrome.cast.requestSession(A, m) } }, i.log = function () { if (i.debug) { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); console.log.apply(console, e) } }, i.error = function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); console.error.apply(console, e) } }(window, jwplayer), function (e) { function t(e) { m.log("existing session", e), !y && !g && (g = e.session, g.addMessageListener(m.NS, n)) } function n(t, i) { var r = JSON.parse(i), a = g; if (!r) throw "Message not proper JSON"; r.reconcile && (g.removeMessageListener(m.NS, n), r.receiverFriendlyName = g.receiver.friendlyName, r.pageUrl && r.diff.id && r.appid || (r.pageUrl = L, r.diff.id = e().id, r.appid = p, g = y = null), w[r.diff.id] && p === r.appid && r.pageUrl === L && (f = r.diff.id, p = r.appid, c(f, "jwInstreamDestroy"), o(a), c(f, P.message, r), g = null)) } function i() { y && (y.removeUpdateListener(u), y.removeMessageListener(m.NS, s), y.stop(r.bind(this), l.bind(this)), y = null), c(f, P.cleanup) } function r() { "undefined" != typeof h && null !== h && (o(h), h = null) } function a(e, t) { y.sendMessage(m.NS, { command: e, args: t }, v.noop, function (e) { m.error("message send error", e) }) } function o(t) { var n = e(f); y ? (i(), h = t) : (y = t, y.addMessageListener(m.NS, s), y.addUpdateListener(u), n = e.cast.setupFlashCastConfig(n), g !== y && (a("setup", n), e.cast.loader.sendDummyMedia(y)), c(f, P.connected, { receiverFriendlyName: t.receiver.friendlyName })) } function s(e, t) { if (t) { var n = JSON.parse(t); if (!n) throw "Message not proper JSON"; c(f, P.message, n) } } function l(e) { c(f, P.error, e || {}) } function u(e) { e ? d() : i() } function c(t, n, i) { i ? e(t).callInternal(n, i) : e(t).callInternal(n) } function d() { if (y && y.receiver) { var t = y.receiver.volume; if (t) { var n = 100 * t.level | 0, t = !!t.muted; e(f).setVolume(n).setMute(t) } } } var f, p, g, h, y, m = e.cast, v = e.utils, E = e._, A = window.chrome || {}, w = {}, P = {}, L = v.getAbsolutePath(window.location.href); m.NS = "urn:x-cast:com.longtailvideo.jwplayer", m.flash = { checkAvailability: function (e, n, i) { P = i, p = n, w[e] = !0, m.loader.addEventListener("availability", function (t) { "available" === t.availability && c(e, P.available, t) }), m.loader.addEventListener("session", t), m.loader.initialize(n) }, startCasting: function (e) { f = e, A.cast.requestSession(o.bind(this), l.bind(this)) }, stopCasting: i, openExtension: function (e) { f = e, A.cast.requestSession(o.bind(this), l.bind(this)) }, mute: function (e) { y.setReceiverMuted(e, d, function (e) { m.error("set muted error", e) }) }, volume: function (e) { e = Math.max(0, Math.min(e / 100, 1)), y.setReceiverVolumeLevel(e, d, function (e) { m.error("set volume error", e) }) }, messageReceiver: a, canCastItem: function (t) { return E.any(t.levels, function (t) { return e.embed.html5CanPlay(t.file, t.type) || "hls" === t.type }) } } }(window.jwplayer), function (e, t) { function n(e) { var n = new t.cast.media.MediaInfo(""); n.contentType = "video/mp4", n = new t.cast.media.LoadRequest(n), n.autoplay = !1, e.loadMedia(n) } function i() { t && t.cast && t.cast.isAvailable && !c.apiConfig ? (c.apiConfig = new t.cast.ApiConfig(new t.cast.SessionRequest(g), s, l, t.cast.AutoJoinPolicy.ORIGIN_SCOPED), t.cast.initialize(c.apiConfig, o, a)) : 15 > p++ && setTimeout(i, 1e3) } function r() { u && (u.resetEventListeners(), u = null) } function a() { c.apiConfig = null } function o() { } function s(e) { h.sendEvent("session", { session: e }), e.sendMessage(c.NS, { whoami: 1 }), 0 === e.media.length && n(e) } function l(e) { c.availability = e, h.sendEvent("availability", { availability: e }) } window.chrome = t; var u, c = e.cast, d = e.utils, f = e.events, p = 0, g = null, h = d.extend({ initialize: function (e) { g = e, null !== c.availability ? h.sendEvent("availability", { availability: c.availability }) : t && t.cast ? i() : u || (u = new d.scriptloader("https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js"), u.addEventListener(f.ERROR, r), u.addEventListener(f.COMPLETE, i), u.load()) } }, new f.eventdispatcher("cast.loader")); e.cast.loader = h, e.cast.loader.sendDummyMedia = n }(window.jwplayer, window.chrome || {}), function (e, t) { var n = [], i = e.utils, r = e.events, a = e._, o = 0, s = r.state, l = "getBuffer getCaptionsList getControls getCurrentCaptions getCurrentQuality getCurrentAudioTrack getDuration getFullscreen getHeight getLockState getMute getPlaylistIndex getSafeRegion getPosition getQualityLevels getState getVolume getWidth isBeforeComplete isBeforePlay releaseState".split(" "), u = "playlistNext stop forceState playlistPrev seek setCurrentCaptions setControls setCurrentQuality setVolume setCurrentAudioTrack".split(" "), c = { onBufferChange: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER, onBufferFull: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER_FULL, onError: r.JWPLAYER_ERROR, onSetupError: r.JWPLAYER_SETUP_ERROR, onFullscreen: r.JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN, onMeta: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, onMute: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE, onPlaylist: r.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED, onPlaylistItem: r.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, onPlaylistComplete: r.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_COMPLETE, onReady: r.API_READY, onResize: r.JWPLAYER_RESIZE, onComplete: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE, onSeek: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK, onTime: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME, onVolume: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME, onBeforePlay: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFOREPLAY, onBeforeComplete: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFORECOMPLETE, onDisplayClick: r.JWPLAYER_DISPLAY_CLICK, onControls: r.JWPLAYER_CONTROLS, onQualityLevels: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVELS, onQualityChange: r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVEL_CHANGED, onCaptionsList: r.JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_LIST, onCaptionsChange: r.JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_CHANGED, onAdError: r.JWPLAYER_AD_ERROR, onAdClick: r.JWPLAYER_AD_CLICK, onAdImpression: r.JWPLAYER_AD_IMPRESSION, onAdTime: r.JWPLAYER_AD_TIME, onAdComplete: r.JWPLAYER_AD_COMPLETE, onAdCompanions: r.JWPLAYER_AD_COMPANIONS, onAdSkipped: r.JWPLAYER_AD_SKIPPED, onAdPlay: r.JWPLAYER_AD_PLAY, onAdPause: r.JWPLAYER_AD_PAUSE, onAdMeta: r.JWPLAYER_AD_META, onCast: r.JWPLAYER_CAST_SESSION, onAudioTrackChange: r.JWPLAYER_AUDIO_TRACK_CHANGED, onAudioTracks: r.JWPLAYER_AUDIO_TRACKS }, d = { onBuffer: s.BUFFERING, onPause: s.PAUSED, onPlay: s.PLAYING, onIdle: s.IDLE }; e.api = function (o) { function f(e, t) { i.foreach(e, function (e, n) { E[e] = function (e) { return t(n, e) } }) } function p(e, t) { var n = "jw" + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1); E[t] = function () { var t = y.apply(this, [n].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))); return e ? E : t } } function g(e, t) { try { e.jwAddEventListener(t, 'function(dat) { jwplayer("' + E.id + '").dispatchEvent("' + t + '", dat); }') } catch (n) { if ("flash" === E.renderingMode) { var r = document.createElement("a"); r.href = m.data, r.protocol !== location.protocol && i.log("Warning: Your site [" + location.protocol + "] and JWPlayer [" + r.protocol + "] are hosted using different protocols") } i.log("Could not add internal listener") } } function h(e, t) { return A[e] || (A[e] = [], m && P && g(m, e)), A[e].push(t), E } function y() { if (P) { if (m) { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), t = e.shift(); if ("function" == typeof m[t]) { switch (e.length) { case 6: return m[t](e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5]); case 5: return m[t](e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]); case 4: return m[t](e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]); case 3: return m[t](e[0], e[1], e[2]); case 2: return m[t](e[0], e[1]); case 1: return m[t](e[0]) } return m[t]() } } return null } L.push(arguments) } var m, v, E = this, A = {}, w = {}, P = !1, L = [], R = {}, _ = {}; return E.container = o, E.id = o.id, E.setup = function (t) { if (e.embed) { e.api.destroyPlayer(E.id); var n = new e.api(E.container); return e.api.addPlayer(n), n.config = t, n._embedder = new e.embed(n), n._embedder.embed(), n } return E }, E.getContainer = function () { return E.container }, E.addButton = function (e, t, n, r) { try { _[r] = n, y("jwDockAddButton", e, t, 'jwplayer("' + E.id + '").callback("' + r + '")', r) } catch (a) { i.log("Could not add dock button" + a.message) } }, E.removeButton = function (e) { y("jwDockRemoveButton", e) }, E.callback = function (e) { _[e] && _[e]() }, E.getMeta = function () { return E.getItemMeta() }, E.getPlaylist = function () { var e = y("jwGetPlaylist"); return "flash" === E.renderingMode && i.deepReplaceKeyName(e, ["__dot__", "__spc__", "__dsh__", "__default__"], [".", " ", "-", "default"]), e }, E.getPlaylistItem = function (e) { return i.exists(e) || (e = E.getPlaylistIndex()), E.getPlaylist()[e] }, E.getRenderingMode = function () { return E.renderingMode }, E.setFullscreen = function (e) { return i.exists(e) ? y("jwSetFullscreen", e) : y("jwSetFullscreen", !y("jwGetFullscreen")), E }, E.setMute = function (e) { return i.exists(e) ? y("jwSetMute", e) : y("jwSetMute", !y("jwGetMute")), E }, E.lock = function () { return E }, E.unlock = function () { return E }, E.load = function (t) { return y("jwInstreamDestroy"), e(E.id).plugins.googima && y("jwDestroyGoogima"), y("jwLoad", t), E }, E.playlistItem = function (e) { return y("jwPlaylistItem", parseInt(e, 10)), E }, E.resize = function (e, t) { if ("flash" !== E.renderingMode) y("jwResize", e, t); else { var n = document.getElementById(E.id + "_wrapper"), r = document.getElementById(E.id + "_aspect"); r && (r.style.display = "none"), n && (n.style.display = "block", n.style.width = i.styleDimension(e), n.style.height = i.styleDimension(t)) } return E }, E.play = function (e) { if (e !== t) return y("jwPlay", e), E; e = E.getState(); var n = v && v.getState(); return n && y(n === s.IDLE || n === s.PLAYING || n === s.BUFFERING ? "jwInstreamPause" : "jwInstreamPlay"), y(e === s.PLAYING || e === s.BUFFERING ? "jwPause" : "jwPlay"), E }, E.pause = function (e) { return e === t ? (e = E.getState(), y(e === s.PLAYING || e === s.BUFFERING ? "jwPause" : "jwPlay")) : y("jwPause", e), E }, E.createInstream = function () { return new e.api.instream(this, m) }, E.setInstream = function (e) { return v = e }, E.loadInstream = function (e, t) { return v = E.setInstream(E.createInstream()).init(t), v.loadItem(e), v }, E.destroyPlayer = function () { P = !0, y("jwPlayerDestroy") }, E.playAd = function (t) { var n = e(E.id).plugins; n.vast ? n.vast.jwPlayAd(t) : y("jwPlayAd", t) }, E.pauseAd = function () { var t = e(E.id).plugins; t.vast ? t.vast.jwPauseAd() : y("jwPauseAd") }, f(d, function (e, t) { return w[e] || (w[e] = [], h(r.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, function (t) { var n = t.newstate; if (t = t.oldstate, n === e) { var i = w[n]; if (i) for (var r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { var a = i[r]; "function" == typeof a && a.call(this, { oldstate: t, newstate: n }) } } })), w[e].push(t), E }), f(c, h), i.foreach(l, function (e, t) { p(!1, t) }), i.foreach(u, function (e, t) { p(!0, t) }), E.remove = function () { this._embedder && this._embedder.destroy && this._embedder.destroy(), L = []; var e = 1 < a.size(a.where(n, { id: E.id })); e || i.clearCss("#" + E.id); var t = document.getElementById(E.id + ("flash" === E.renderingMode ? "_wrapper" : "")); if (t) { if ("html5" === E.renderingMode) E.destroyPlayer(); else if (i.isMSIE(8)) { var r = document.getElementById(E.id); if (r && r.parentNode) { r.style.display = "none"; for (var o in r) "function" == typeof r[o] && (r[o] = null); r.parentNode.removeChild(r) } } e || (e = document.createElement("div"), e.id = E.id, t.parentNode.replaceChild(e, t)) } n = a.filter(n, function (e) { return e.uniqueId !== E.uniqueId }) }, E.registerPlugin = function (t, n, i, r) { e.plugins.registerPlugin(t, n, i, r) }, E.setPlayer = function (e, t) { m = e, E.renderingMode = t }, E.detachMedia = function () { return "html5" === E.renderingMode ? y("jwDetachMedia") : void 0 }, E.attachMedia = function (e) { return "html5" === E.renderingMode ? y("jwAttachMedia", e) : void 0 }, E.getAudioTracks = function () { return y("jwGetAudioTracks") }, E.removeEventListener = function (e, t) { var n = A[e]; if (n) for (var i = n.length; i--;) n[i] === t && n.splice(i, 1) }, E.dispatchEvent = function (e, t) { var n = A[e]; if (n) for (var n = n.slice(0), a = i.translateEventResponse(e, t), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var s = n[o]; if ("function" == typeof s) try { e === r.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED && i.deepReplaceKeyName(a.playlist, ["__dot__", "__spc__", "__dsh__", "__default__"], [".", " ", "-", "default"]), s.call(this, a) } catch (l) { i.log("There was an error calling back an event handler", l) } } }, E.dispatchInstreamEvent = function (e) { v && v.dispatchEvent(e, arguments) }, E.callInternal = y, E.playerReady = function (e) { for (P = !0, m || E.setPlayer(document.getElementById(e.id)), E.container = document.getElementById(E.id), i.foreach(A, function (e) { g(m, e) }), h(r.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, function () { R = {} }), h(r.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, function (e) { i.extend(R, e.metadata) }), h(r.JWPLAYER_VIEW_TAB_FOCUS, function (e) { var t = E.getContainer(); !0 === e.hasFocus ? i.addClass(t, "jw-tab-focus") : i.removeClass(t, "jw-tab-focus") }), E.dispatchEvent(r.API_READY) ; 0 < L.length;) y.apply(E, L.shift()) }, E.getItemMeta = function () { return R }, E }, e.playerReady = function (t) { var n = e.api.playerById(t.id); n || (n = e.api.selectPlayer(t.id)), n.playerReady(t) }, e.api.selectPlayer = function (t) { var r; return i.exists(t) || (t = 0), t.nodeType ? r = t : "string" == typeof t && (r = document.getElementById(t)), r ? (t = e.api.playerById(r.id)) ? t : new e.api(r) : "number" == typeof t ? n[t] : null }, e.api.playerById = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) if (n[t].id === e) return n[t]; return null }, e.api.addPlayer = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) if (n[t] === e) return e; return o++, e.uniqueId = o, n.push(e), e }, e.api.destroyPlayer = function (e) { e = a.where(n, { id: e }), a.each(e, a.partial(a.result, a, "remove")) } }(window.jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.events, n = e.utils, i = t.state; e.api.instream = function (e, r) { function a(t, n) { return u[t] || (u[t] = [], r.jwInstreamAddEventListener(t, 'function(dat) { jwplayer("' + e.id + '").dispatchInstreamEvent("' + t + '", dat); }')), u[t].push(n), this } function o(e, n) { return c[e] || (c[e] = [], a(t.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, function (t) { var n = t.newstate, i = t.oldstate; if (n === e) { var r = c[n]; if (r) for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a++) { var o = r[a]; "function" == typeof o && o.call(this, { oldstate: i, newstate: n, type: t.type }) } } })), c[e].push(n), this } var s, l, u = {}, c = {}, d = this; d.type = "instream", d.init = function () { return e.callInternal("jwInitInstream"), d }, d.loadItem = function (t, i) { s = t, l = i || {}, "array" === n.typeOf(t) ? e.callInternal("jwLoadArrayInstream", s, l) : e.callInternal("jwLoadItemInstream", s, l) }, d.removeEvents = function () { u = c = {} }, d.removeEventListener = function (e, t) { var n = u[e]; if (n) for (var i = n.length; i--;) n[i] === t && n.splice(i, 1) }, d.dispatchEvent = function (e, t) { var i = u[e]; if (i) for (var i = i.slice(0), r = n.translateEventResponse(e, t[1]), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var o = i[a]; "function" == typeof o && o.call(this, r) } }, d.onError = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_ERROR, e) }, d.onMediaError = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR, e) }, d.onFullscreen = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN, e) }, d.onMeta = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, e) }, d.onMute = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE, e) }, d.onComplete = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE, e) }, d.onPlaylistComplete = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_COMPLETE, e) }, d.onPlaylistItem = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, e) }, d.onTime = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME, e) }, d.onBuffer = function (e) { return o(i.BUFFERING, e) }, d.onPause = function (e) { return o(i.PAUSED, e) }, d.onPlay = function (e) { return o(i.PLAYING, e) }, d.onIdle = function (e) { return o(i.IDLE, e) }, d.onClick = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_CLICK, e) }, d.onInstreamDestroyed = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_DESTROYED, e) }, d.onAdSkipped = function (e) { return a(t.JWPLAYER_AD_SKIPPED, e) }, d.play = function (e) { r.jwInstreamPlay(e) }, d.pause = function (e) { r.jwInstreamPause(e) }, d.hide = function () { e.callInternal("jwInstreamHide") }, d.destroy = function () { d.removeEvents(), e.callInternal("jwInstreamDestroy") }, d.setText = function (e) { r.jwInstreamSetText(e ? e : "") }, d.getState = function () { return r.jwInstreamState() }, d.setClick = function (e) { r.jwInstreamClick && r.jwInstreamClick(e) } } }(jwplayer), function (e) { var t = e.api, n = t.selectPlayer, i = e._; t.selectPlayer = function () { var t = n.apply(this, arguments); return t ? t : { registerPlugin: function (t, n, i) { "jwpsrv" !== t && e.plugins.registerPlugin(t, n, i) } } }, e.unregisteredProviders = [], t.registerProvider = function (t) { e && e.html5 && i.isFunction(e.html5.registerProvider) ? e.html5.registerProvider(t) : e.unregisteredProviders.push(t) } }(jwplayer));